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Hot line: +(99872) 226 68 10


Head of the department:

Umirzakov Abdutolib Safarovich

Phone: +(99891) 197 39 29

Email address:

Reception hours: Every day (09:00-18:00)

Chief Specialist:

Bosimov Doston Olim o’g’li

Phone: +(99833) 207 19 99

Email address:

Reception hours: Every day (09:00-18:00)

Communication channels:

On the official website of the university: — Apply to the Department of Management of the “Compliance Control” System to Fight Against Corruption
Apply on Telegram bot:
Phone number:
+(99872) 226 38 47
Email address:

The main tasks of the department:

  • preventing and combating corruption offenses at the university;
  • ensuring the implementation of measures aimed at the implementation of the “Corruption-free sector” project at the university level in the higher education system;
  • introduction and implementation of the “Compliance control” anti-corruption system at the university;
  • to determine the areas with high risks of corruption in the university, as well as the reasons and conditions for the commission of corruption-related offenses;
  • providing information to the management of systemic problems that lead to manifestations of corruption in the university and making appropriate proposals for their elimination;
  • ensuring the implementation of programs aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions of corruption-related offenses at the university, as well as increasing the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures;
  • coordination of public control aimed at fighting corruption in the university, as well as conducting anti-corruption monitoring based on modern methods and information and communication technologies;
  • organization of sociological, scientific and other research and development of proposals regarding the state, trends and causes of corruption in the university, as well as the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures;
  • coordinating the activities of academic lyceums and technical colleges under the university in the direction of fighting corruption;