Human resources

Head of the department:
Salimov Maxsud Ilxomovich
Phone: +(99872) 226 59 94
Email address:
Working hours: 8.30 – 17.00

Mirzayorov Mirtemir Eshpolat son
Staff engineer
Phone: +(99894) 345 71 55

Rasulova Ozoda Jumabaevna
Phone: +(99893) 300 7979
The human resources department of Jizzakh State Pedagogical university is one of the structural departments of the university. It functions on the basis of the instructions of Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees and Orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Orders and decrees of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The department organizes the work of professors, teaching assistants and economic workers who are working in the university in accordance with the internal rules of the university, labor discipline, job instructions and established rules.
The head of the department, 2 personnel engineers and 2 inspectors work in the department. The department’s inspectors of working with professors, teaching assistants, and economic workers organize work directly in accordance with the instructions of the head of the personnel department. He works according to the instructions.
- Recruiting professors, teaching assistants and workers for maintenance, canceling work, giving tools and staff units, giving work leave and starting them before the deadline, recruitment based on selection, setting the deadlines for passing the tests of attestation certification, controlling the use;
- supervising the conclusion of employment contracts between each employed employee and preparation of activity orders;
- making proposals on the formation and use of the reserve of managerial personnel;
- to prepare and submit proposals to the rector of the university on the faculty-teacher staff, quality of work discipline, improvement of the quality of education and the possibility of obtaining permission for quality deficiencies;
- to communicate with higher organizations on personnel issues;
- organization of recommending professors-teachers and employees of the university to the ministry and relevant organizations for the state award;
- preparing certificates for professors, teaching assistants and economic workers and controlling the extension of the term of certificates;
- confirm the signatures of professors and teachers, issue references;
- keeping labor records, keeping their accounts correctly and handing them over in time to the employee whose employment contract has been terminated or expired;
- to conduct statistical reports of professors, teaching assistants and economic employees in the prescribed form;
- creation of a personal collection folder, personal sheet (T-2 form), personal reference book of professors, teaching assistants and economic employees, organization of their management in the prescribed manner;
- coordination of the university’s staff table together with the planning finance department and work based on the staff table;
- identification, formalization of documents and registration of professors and teachers and employees of retirement age;
- at the beginning of each month, to provide information on vacancies to the regional employment assistance center;
- transfer all normative and personal documents related to employees kept in the department to the archive of the university by drawing up a document in the established order;
- compliance with the rules of etiquette and internal order, labor discipline and behavior culture in working with the department and employees.