Information service of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University

Sharipova Gulchehra Ergashevna
Telephone: +(99897) 276 86 68 E-mail address: Reception days: Monday— Saturday 09:00-18:00By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to ensure the independence of the media and the development of information services for state bodies and organizations” dated June 27, 2019 PP-4366, press services were organized in organizations and institutions. The head of the information service of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University is simultaneously the press secretary of the head of the organization and has the status of an adviser on information policy. It is not allowed to assign the tasks and functions of the information service to other departments and divisions of the state body and other organizations;
The main tasks and functions of the press service:
The press service of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University participates in the formation and implementation of the information policy determined by the leadership in accordance with modern requirements. The press service tries to conduct effective and practical cooperation with the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Press Service of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, information services of state and economic authorities on the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of information. It also serves for the prompt placement and updating of information on the official website of the university, for the development of web resources on the Internet, including social and mobile networks. The press service publishes (places) information in the media, including on the Internet, and also ensures their placement and updating on official websites, in rooms and places accessible to everyone. Organizes and conducts public events, as well as events with the participation of the organization’s management (meetings, meetings, press conferences, briefings, seminars, round tables, etc.). Based on the request of the media and journalists, provides them with information in oral and written form (including in the form of an electronic document). The press service of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University seeks to cooperate with the public and media representatives. Informs the public about the adopted legal documents relating to the sphere, important programs of social and public importance. In order to provide the most complete and objective coverage of the life and activities of the university, it cooperates with the media and journalists. Heads of information services of state bodies and other organizations are certified by the Agency every three years. The press service covers topical aspects of the activities of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education and Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after A. Kadyri. Observing the criteria of transparency and openness, the press service provides all information and information related to the field to all the media.