Faculty of medicine

Faculty of Medicine
The faculty has 2 directions:
– Treatment work (code 60910200)– General practitioner
– Pediatric work (code 60910300)
– Children’s doctor
Duration of study is 6 years. 12 semesters

Imamova Dilfoza Anorovna
Has been in-office: February 1, 2022
Phone: +998 97 438 40 84
Email: imomovad@jdpu.uz
Reception hours: daily 8:30-17:30
There are 66 students. Department – 1. There are 25 professors and teachers. Department of general professional sciences. Professor-teachers are 25, including 2 doctors of science, 3 candidates of science. There are 66 students of the department. Head of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences N. Kurbanov. Total: 25 professors. 14 of them work in healthcare (1 doctor of science, 2 candidate of science), 11 pedagogues (1 doctor of science, 1 candidate of science), 3 work on the basis of part-time job, 22 work on the basis of part-time job.
A total of 66 students were admitted:
There are 40 students in treatment, 11 of them receive a state grant, 29 receive a payment contract. 32 people from Jizzakh region. 4 people from Samarkand region. 2 people from Navoi region. 1 person from Namangan region. 1 person from Surkhandarya region There are 26 students in pediatrics, of which 6 are state grants, 20 are paid contracts. 17 people from Jizzakh region. 3 people from Navoi region. 2 people from Fergana region. 1 person from Tashkent region. 1 person from Samarkand region. 1 person from Syrdarya region. 1 person from Surkhandarya region.

When studying the state of provision of regulatory legal documents in the department belonging to the faculty, the departmental information was obtained. There are all regulatory and legal documents that organize educational processes.
In particular, for students of the 1st stage, there is a SSE approved by order № 311 of the Ministry of Higher
and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 16, 2021. There are qualification
requirements for both available courses. The latest status was approved in MHSSE Order № 365, 25.08.2021. These
situations are reflected in the department.
Recently, the number of people on the surface of the Earth is increasing. In addition to the problems of
providing food, clothing and other products to the growing human population, various diseases are also
increasing among people. When referring to the analysis of statistical data, about 4,000 different diseases were
recorded among people in the 20th century, and it is recognized that this indicator is close to 5,000 since the
beginning of the 21st century. For the prevention and treatment of these diseases, qualified medical personnel
are definitely needed, but at the same time, the lack of qualified doctors is one of the main problems. This
issue is considered one of the most painful issues of the medicine of our country, including our region.
Regarding the practical solution to these problems, paragraph 17-a of the statement № 88 of the video selector
meeting held in an extended manner on November 6, 2020 under the leadership of the President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan Sh.M. Order № 654 of the Minister of Education dated December 14, 2020 “On the establishment of
medical faculties at Karshi State University, Gulistan State University, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute and
Navoi State Pedagogical Institute” and the Council of JSPU dated 2021 based on the decision of the meeting, a
medical faculty was established in the institute in accordance with the order of the rector of the institute.

Orders for admission quotas were formed in accordance with consumer requirements. Based on the admission
parameters for the 2021-2022 academic year, 40 students were admitted to the university in the direction of
5510100-Treatment work and 27 people in the direction of education of 5510200-Pediatrics work, a total of 66
students. In connection with the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, appropriate changes and additions to
the structure of the institute were made and approved by the Ministry. An educational building was allocated for
the faculty. Equipment and tools, as well as necessary educational literature, were purchased for the
preparation of auditoriums and laboratory rooms for the educational process.
Based on the qualification requirements, study plans, and science programs of the medical and pediatrics
educational areas, the curriculum for the 2021-2022 academic year was formed. Professors and teachers working in
the institute and employees with scientific potential working in medical institutions of the region were
involved in teaching the subjects of the curriculum. According to the letter of the Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 17, 2021 № 08-04/10390, 4 medical institutions located in the city of
Jizzakh were designated for the organization of student internships and cooperation agreements were signed with
40 students, 11 of whom received a state grant, 29 on a fee-contract basis, and 26 students of Pediatrics, of
which 6 received a state grant, 20 received a fee-contract, to the Faculty of Medicine established at JSPU. In
terms of regions, 49 students from Jizzakh region, 5 students from Samarkand region, 2 students from Syrdarya
region, 5 students from Navoi region, 1 student each from Tashkent, Namangan region, Surkhandarya region are
studying. There is one Department of General Professional Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine established at
JSPU. There are a total of 25 professors-teachers of this department, 14 of them are health workers (1 Doctor of
Science, 2 Candidates of Science) and 11 pedagogues (1 doctor of science, 1 candidate of science) have been
teaching students. Class schedules are monitored electronically by the deputy dean for academic affairs.
The content and quality of lesson processes are constantly monitored by the educational method department and
the dean’s office.