Faculty of pedagogy and psychology

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
There are 5 departments in the faculty:
– Department of Pedagogical Theory of Education– Department of special pedagogy
– Department of general pedagogy
– Department of general psychology

Assoc. prof. Torakulova Iroda Kholbotayevna
Has been in-office: from August 10, 2020
Phone: +998 91 590 00 70
Email: irodaturakulova1982@gmail.com
Reception hours: Wednesday, Thursday 09:00–16:00
The faculty of pedagogy and psychology was established by the order of the rector of the institute № 429-U dated June 29, 2020. A total of 66 professors work at the faculty. 46 of them (69.6%) are women. According to the academic level, the teachers consist of 1 doctor of science, 8 candidates of science and associate professors, 3 PhD doctors of philosophy, 19 senior teachers, 23 teachers, 12 intern teachers. In the last 2 years, 6 of the teachers have obtained the scientific degree of doctor of science and candidate of science. Today, 1053 students are educated at the faculty. 774 of them are girls, 279 are boys. 174 graduate students study.

The faculty has a student theater-studio called “Yoshlar” and prepares two performances every year. “Zakovat” intellectual group named “VINI VIDI VICHI” was established. A team of cheerleaders and wits named “Pedagog Yoshlar” was also established, and now this team is showing good results. The students of the faculty are achieving many achievements, even the 1st-year master’s student Ismatullayev Otabek was awarded the “Alisher Navoi” state scholarship in the 2020-2021 academic year.

The Faculty has established the Psychological Center and the “Inclusive and Correctional Scientific-Methodical” Center, as well as the “Young Managers”, “Young Psychologists”, “Young Pedagogues” and “Young Scientists”. In order to fully realize the talents, abilities and noble aspirations of students, to increase their knowledge, skills and qualifications in professional skills, the “Book is the key to all knowledge” intellectual competition for students of the 4th level of defectology was organized. An electronic journal of the faculty called “Pedagogy and Psychological Sciences in Modern Education” was established.