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Addiction is a lifelong problem

That’s the name of the event held at JSPU Nowadays drug addiction is one of the global problems. In recent years, extensive measures have been taken in the fight against drug addiction in our country. Most importantly, a lot of work is being done to promote a healthy lifestyle. In particular, within the framework of the fight against drug addiction, the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University is organizing promotional events and roundtable discussions. All events are organized in cooperation with law enforcement organizations. The next roundtable discussion organized in the meeting hall of the Information Resource Center of the University was also invited from the administration of Jizzakh region, the Department of Internal Affairs of the region, the doctors of the specialized narcology scientific and applied medical center of the republic, as well as imams. At the event, it is the sad fate of those who fall into the vortex of drug addiction, that it is difficult to find a way back for the victims of this kind of evil that has pushed them into the pit. They talked about the need to be vigilant so that the future does not fall into darkness forever. Also, the students who participated in the round-table discussion made their own suggestion regarding awareness of the dangers of narcotic drugs and other prohibited vices, wide promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and promotion of activities aimed at these noble goals.