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2023-2024 o'quv yili Ochiq ma'ruzalar jadvali

Mavzu: Hayvonot bog’dagi noyob hayvon turlari bilan tanishish.

Mavzu: Speak on the phone. Write a review. Usepronouns in writing.Video: Park Theatre.

Mavzu:  At the movies. Talk about films. Present perfectand Past simple verb forms.

Mavzu: “At the movies. Talk about films. Present perfect and past simple verb forms”

Mavzu: At the movies. Talk about films. Present perfectand Past simple verb forms.

Mavzu: Ingliz tili davlat tili hisoblangan boshqa mamlakatlar: Kanada

Mavzu: Arifmеtik vеktorlar fazosi. Asosiy xossalari. Fazoosti

Mavzu: Nota savodxonligini oshirish.

Mavzu: O‘zbekiston va jahon hamjamiyati