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The message was received from the members of the “Advice to the Elderly” group.

In our country, great attention is paid to social support of the elderly generation. In recent years, many measures have been taken to effectively organize their health activities, to spend their free time meaningfully, and to increase their activity in social life. The decision of the head of state on March 11 of this year “On comprehensive support of the elderly and additional measures to increase their social activity” was the next important step in this regard. Previously, in order to effectively use the rich life experience of the representatives of the older generation and retired employees of law enforcement agencies to maintain the stability of the social and spiritual environment in all neighborhoods, “Counseling for the Elderly” groups were established. Based on this, the members of the “Counseling for the Elderly” groups and active intellectuals were attached to educational institutions in the region. Their tasks are to monitor the attendance of students and pupils in the institutions assigned to them, to conduct interviews with students with difficult upbringing, to conduct explanatory work for young people based on their rich life experiences.   The management of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, in cooperation with volunteer students, visited the house of veterans attached to the university Mamatkul Bekmurodov and Kasim Abdusamadov. The visit, which was carried out in order to find out about the status of the luminaries who are now approaching old age and to invite them to a conversation with the students, raised the spirits of the veterans.