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Welcome Spring, Welcome Nowruz!

The young bride of the seasons, The dice swing of virtue, The flower of independence, Welcome, the world of Navruz! Navruz, which reflects our national values, is solemnly celebrated in every corner of our country. The celebration organized in such a solemn spirit was also held in Jizzakh State Pedagogical University in an upbeat mood. First, the Navruz holiday table was decorated with spring dishes in the courtyard of the University. Today retired veteran teachers who worked at this university were guests. Spring food sumak was served to all guests. After that, the guests visited the playground of the university, where the main ceremonies were held. Demonstrations prepared by all faculties of the university, a table decorated with national dishes, folk songs, bridal greetings, and national folk games were enjoyed by all. The unique artistic programs prepared by each faculty team won the applause of the guests. Especially, the scene showing the conversation between Amir Temur and Sultan Bayazid, prepared by the talented students of the Faculty of History, was recognized by the audience. During the holiday program, competitions and contests such as “Blue Poplar” among university students, stone lifting, rope pulling and “Best Nowruz table” were held among young men. Rector of the university Sh. Sharipov opened the festive program and congratulated everyone on Navruz and wished them luck in their future studies and work. After that, the artistic part of the event began.

On the stage, the university’s artistic team sang songs praising Navruz, chanting songs. The songs performed by the student ensemble named after E. Lutfullaev delighted the audience. Festive performances of the student theater studio team added excitement to the event. On this day, everyone dances, sings and dances. In a word, people who come to the Navruz holiday will be delighted.