Fan: Kaspiy sohada xorijiy tili Mashg'ulot turi: Amaliy Fakultet: Xorijiy tillar fakulteti Guruh fakulteti: Pedagogika –psixologiya fakulteti Bosqich: 3 Guruh: 820-22 Maktab menejmenti Guruh: 1 ta Manzil: Bosh bino ,Pedagogika –psixologiya fakulteti , 3-qavat 332-xona Kun: 5-oktabr 2024-yil Vaqti: 11.30 -12.50 Amaliy mashg’ulot u’tuvchi: : Xamzayev Akmal Amirovich O’quv dasturi: The man who fell to Earth. Talk about the past. Past simple and past continuous tences . Talk about feelings 1.To practice and improve students speaking abilities to memorize specific information about past simple and past continuous 2.To give students opportunity to practice vocabulary in speaking