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Cultural heritage of Eurasian peoples: modern studies, problems and methods of study.

This is the name of the international scientific-practical conference held at JSPU. In recent years, great importance has been attached to the study of the cultural heritage of Eurasian peoples, statehood, ancient urban culture, and the antiquity of settled farmers and nomadic herders based on the approaches of archeology, ethnography, historiography and source studies. Jizzakh State Pedagogical University professors and teachers, one of the world’s leading scientific research and educational centers, and the scientists of the Humanitarian Institute of the Novosibirsk State University of the Russian Federation in the field of education, issues of training qualified personnel and scientific research. this is one of them. The fact that the issues raised at this international conference were organized within the framework of the scientific project “History of North and Central Asian Countries” jointly implemented by scientists of Novosibirsk State University and Jizzakh State Pedagogical University shows how urgent the topic is.   Academicians, professors, experts in their field, leading historical scientists and talented young specialists, who are famous not only in our republic, but also abroad, will present their participated with their articles. The articles devoted to the issues of history, archeology, ethnology, source studies and historiography contained in the collection of materials of this scientific-practical conference and the scientific ideas covered in them today are extremely important for the history of not only Uzbekistan but the entire Central Asian region. we will not make a mistake. Visiting scientists from Novosibirsk State University also participated in the conference held in Russian and Uzbek languages. In the afternoon, the conference will be devoted to the topics of archeology, ethnography, source studies in the study of history, the culture of sedentary farmers and nomadic herders, the coverage of the history of Eurasian peoples in modern studies, problems and methods of study. he continued in disbelief. It should be noted that the issues raised at this conference serve to form a mature, morally mature generation, including the historical research conducted in our republic.