Faculty of Russian language and literature

Faculty of Russian Language and Literature
There are faculty 2 departments in the faculty:
– Russian language and its teaching methodology;– Russian literature and its teaching methodology;

Hasanov Eldar Rinatovich
Has been in-office: from August 2020
Phone: +99893 304 13 65
Email: rus.lit.jspi@mail.ru
Reception hours: Wednesday, Thursday 09:00–16:00
The department of Russian language and literature was established in 1974 on the basis of the faculty of Uzbek language and literature. Since 1977-1978 academic year, the department of Russian language and literature has begun to function as a faculty. The Faculty of Russian Language and Literature was part of the Faculty of Foreign Languages from 1998 to August 2020. In August 2020, by order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature was reorganized. 42 professors and teachers work at the faculty, including 1 professor, 1 candidate of science, 8 associate professors, 8 senior teachers and 24 teachers. Currently, more than 800 undergraduate students and 35 graduate students study at the faculty.

At the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature, scientific and methodological circles “Debut”, “Center for Talented Students”, “Secrets of Public Speaking”, “Workshop of the Russian Language Teacher” are working. Their activities are aimed at the further development of students’ professional activities, improving their cultural and moral growth. Creative works of students have been published in national and international conference collections, magazines, as well as in several newspapers.

Up today, the students of the faculty have achieved many achievements. 2 students were awarded the scholarship named after “Navoi”, 1 student was a scholarship holder named after Zulfiya, 1 student was a member of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan. Muslimova Khilola won a ticket to the republic stage of the “Yosh Kitabkhan” contest this year. In May 2022, among the students of the bachelor’s course of higher educational institutions, “We will build a new Uzbekistan with our own hands!” Yelena Navruzova, a 3rd grade student of the faculty who participated in the republican stage of the essay competition under the slogan “My mother’s tongue-my soul’s tongue”, was awarded with a diploma.
A student theater-studio named “Niqob” operates at the faculty and prepares two plays every year. “Zakovat” intellectual group called “Unikumlar” was established. A team of cheerleaders and wits named “Adrenaline” was also established, and today it is achieving many achievements.