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The campaign “Public dictation” was held under the slogan “The future of Uzbekistan is in the hands of literate youth”.

Department of State Language Development of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbek Language Development Fund under the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi. Young students of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University also participated in the campaign “Public dictation” organized in cooperation with the Center for Basic Education and Training.

More than 100 students gathered together for the campaign, which was held in order to widely promote the culture of written literacy among young people, to further increase respect and interest in the Uzbek language, and to improve the education of the Uzbek language.

— I am studying in the first year of the university. I took part in the process of education to find out the level of my literacy, – Rukhshona Polatova shared her impression. – The action is well organized. I hope that such events will be held regularly.