Interfaculty general education departments

Special correspondence department
Available education areas in the form of external (5-year) education:
5110100 – Mathematics and computer science
5110400 – Biology
5110600 – History
5110700 – Methodology of computer science teaching
5110800 – Fine arts and engineering graphics
5110900 – Pedagogy and psychology
5111100 – Music education
5111200 – Uzbek language and literature
5111700 – Primary education
5111800 – Pre-school education
5112000 – Physical culture
5112100 – Technological education
Available educational directions in the form of second specialty:
5110100 – Mathematics and informatics
5110400 – Biology
5110500 – Basics of geography and economic knowledge
5110600 – History
5110700 – Methodology of computer science teaching
5110800 – Fine arts and engineering graphics
5110900 – Pedagogy and psychology
5111200 – Uzbek language and literature
5111600 – National idea, moral foundations and legal education
5111700 – Primary education
5111800 – Pre-school education
5111900 – Defectology: speech therapy
5112000 – Physical culture
5112100 – Technological education

In accordance with the order of the rector of the university dated May 8, 2023 N 177-u ”On the conduct of final control measures for the second half of the 2022-2023 academic year ” according to the curricula of correspondence and distance learning for the second half of the 2022-2023 academic year according to the schedules of final control measures for the second half of the 2022-2023 academic year for I-II-Final control III-IV-V courses are approved for holding from May 11, 2023 to July 1, 2023.
1. For students of the 5th year of correspondence studies in the direction of Uzbek language and literature, a final control is scheduled from May 11 to May 20, 2022.
2. Correspondence II-higher education for 4th year students in all areas from May 11 to May 20, 2022, the final control was established.
3. For students of the 3rd year of correspondence studies in all areas from May 22 to May 27, 2022, the final control has been established.
1. For students of the 5th year of correspondence studies in the direction of Uzbek language and literature, a final control is scheduled from May 11 to May 20, 2022.
2. Correspondence II-higher education for 4th year students in all areas from May 11 to May 20, 2022, the final control was established.
3. For students of the 3rd year of correspondence studies in all areas from May 22 to May 27, 2022, the final control has been established.
Correspondence department 2022-2023 academic year re-passing of the final control for the first half of the year
Schedule of final examinations of students of the correspondence department, 5th stage of the first half of the 2022/2023 academic year
Schedule of final examinations of students of the correspondence department, 5th stage of the first half of the 2022/2023 academic year
Schedule of final examinations of students of the correspondence department, 5th stage of the first half of the 2022/2023 academic year
Schedule of final examinations of students of the correspondence department, 5th stage of the first half of the 2022/2023 academic year
Schedule of final examinations of students of the correspondence department, 5th stage of the first half of the 2022/2023 academic year
Schedule of final examinations of students of the correspondence department, 5th stage of the first half of the 2022/2023 academic year
In accordance with the order of the Rector of the University dated December 13, 2022 N 488-U “On conducting final inspections of the first half of the 2022-2023 academic year”correspondence and correspondence II-th higher education
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Correspondence Department 2022-2023 academic year II half-year information about the final control repeated exams
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Correspondence Department 2021-2022 academic year II half-year information about final control repeated exams

Management of higher education processes information system “Hemis”
This system is used for digital management of educational processes at the university.
Go to the website
Management of higher education processes information system “Moodle”
This system is used for digital management of educational processes at the university.
Go to the website
Head of extramural (special extramural) department
Mirzaqobilov Ravshan
Activity: from December, 2024
Phone: +(99899) 556-31-53
Reception hours: Tuesday, Friday 15:00–17:00
In accordance with the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 9, 2017 “On the establishment of special part-time departments in the field of pedagogy in higher educational universityons” № Extramural (special extramural) department was established.
Extramural (special extramural) department of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical university named after A. Qadiri from the 2018-2019 academic year approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 930 dated November 21, 2017 “extramural education at a higher educational universityion operates based on the regulation on the procedure for organizing (special extramural) education” and the regulation approved by the decision of the universitye council № 1 dated August 24, 2020.
Extramural (special extramural) department of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical university named after A. Qadiri has extramural education (5-year) forms of education and II specialty education forms during the 2021-2022 academic year. A total of 6976 students are studying in the following fields of study: 5,528 students and 1,448 students in the II specialty education.

Jizzakh State Pedagogical universitye named after A. Qadiriy Extramural (special extramural) department will continue its services in the reconstructed building of the universitye in the town of Boston, Zarbdar district, Jizzakh region for the 2021-2022 academic year.
All looking for students in the new building. In the building, 4 educational universityions are equipped with the latest modern computer equipment. Monitoring the quality of students’ lessons with surveillance cameras in all classrooms of the building. The Moodle platform was introduced from 2021-2022 to ensure quality education of students based on the demands and wishes of students.
In extramural (special extramural) department, the number of departments in the academic year 2020-2021 will be 2: the department of distance education in social and humanitarian sciences and the departments of distance education in science and natural sciences will be activated. From the 2021-2022 academic year, the design will further increase the quality of education and the scope of work with students.
According to the order No. 81-U dated March 3 “On the implementation of the organizational structure of the universitye with changes and additions” distance education in social and humanitarian sciences of the part-time (special part-time) department on the basis of the department, the distance education departments in preschool and primary areas, and the departments of distance education in the areas of pedagogy, psychology and music were established.

Based on the staff table of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical universitye named after A. Qadiri, the following departments are operating in the extramural (special extramural) department:
1. Department of Distance Education in Natural and Exact Sciences: Head of Department – Khakim Nematuvych Alimov. There are 26 professors and teachers in the department.
2. Department of distance education in social and humanitarian sciences: head of the department – Gafurov Jasur Isakovich. There are 22 professors and teachers in the department.
3. Department of distance education in pre-school and primary directions: Head of the department – Haidarov Dilshod Shogdarovich. There are 21 professors and teachers in the department.
4. Department of distance education in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and music: Head of the department: Bekmirzaev Mavlon Khudayarovich. There are 19 professors and teachers in the department.

Based on the staff table of Jizzakh State Pedagogical universitye, the following dean’s staff are working in extramural (special extramural) department department:
1 | Avazov Azam Jonuzoqovich | Head of the department | 55-151-19-42 |
2 | Egamkulov Makhmud Saidkulovich | Deputy dean for academic affairs | 72-512-11-24 |
3 | Tupchiyev Usmon Sindarovich | Deputy dean for academic affairs | 72-512-12-96 |
4 | Suyarov Behruz Bahodir ogli | Dispatcher for educational affairs | 72-512-12-16 |
5 | Dusbekov Aliakbar Alisaid ogli | Deputy dean for academic affairs | 55-151-19-88 |
6 | Alimov Khakim Nematuvich | Head of the Department of Distance Education in Natural and Exact Sciences | 72-512-12-19 |
7 | Gafurov Jasur Isakovich. | Head of the Department of Distance Education in Social Humanities | 72-512-13-19 |
8 | Haidarov Dilshod Shogdarovich | The head of the distance education department in preschool and primary directions | 72-512-12-36 |
9 | Bekmirzaev Mavlon Khudayarovich | Head of the department of distance education in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and music | 72-512-13-13 |
10 | watchhouse | 72-512-11-30 |