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There is no knowledge that cannot be acquired, no skill that cannot be mastered

Dear graduates, dear boys and girls! Here, the most exciting and unforgettable day of your life has arrived – you are leaving school. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your important step on the threshold of life – moving to the independent stage!   At this moment, great milestones, limitless opportunities and challenges await you. Of course, all of you have to learn and work patiently to achieve success in life. It is good that today in our country sufficient conditions and opportunities have been created for young people to learn and acquire a profession. Therefore, I am sure that in the future you will become an expert in your field. Believe me, there is no knowledge that cannot be acquired, no skill that cannot be mastered. Look to the future with confidence! Follow the path of your dreams, never forget that the difficult path only leads to success. There are radical changes in the state policy regarding youth by our respected President. Indeed, great changes are being made in the lives of the youth of our country. Of course, this success is the first success, the first milestone on the long road to maturity! I want to express my best wishes to you. Do not forget that the future of our united Uzbekistan depends on you young people! Never stop studying, searching, and moving forward. Form such qualities as diligence, enthusiasm, inquisitiveness, creativity in yourself. Make it a habit to find time every day and learn something new even when you are graduating from higher education institutions and consolidating your knowledge in practice. Set a big goal in front of you and definitely go for it! I would like to take this opportunity to wish good health, strength, courage and great success to all graduates. May your face always be bright and your future bright!   Sincerely, Rector of JSPU, Professor Sh.S.Sharipov