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Students shared their sweet love with children.

A charity event was held at boarding school No. 32. This event delighted the children of the boarding school. As you know, the “Sweet Wish, Sweet Gift” charity campaign was held at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University on the occasion of the International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3 under the slogan “Give goodness and joy”. This action, organized by the initiative of the “Student Media Group”, lasted from November 27 to December 1. During this period, in order to show their love to children with disabilities, volunteer professors, teachers and students threw sweets with wishes written in special boxes. Yesterday, all the sweets in the special box “Sweet gifts and sweet wishes” were given to children with disabilities studying at boarding school No. 32 in the city of Jizzakh. Professors and teachers of the “Special Pedagogy” department of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology also took part in the event and prepared a scene that it is the human duty of everyone to care for and show love to broken-hearted children. They showed it with their looks and gifts.   In addition, R. Yarmatov, the head of the Master’s Department of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, distributed special gifts to the elementary school pupils of the boarding school. “He declares that the works carried out by the head of our state and the conditions created for children’s education are meritorious actions. Everyone should contribute to creating the conditions for such children to express themselves, so that they can find themselves in studies, work, creativity, and social activities. Thanks, in our country, our children are growing up surrounded by such love and great care. “I think that holding such a charity event on the eve of the International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3 was a good thing,” says R. Yarmatov, head of the Master’s Department. During the event, the attractive dances performed by the members of the art group of the scientific center and the amazing songs of the talented students studying music at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University made the evening even more enjoyable.