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I was expelled from school because I did not go to cotton campaign…

Jizzakh State Pedagogical University is holding a number of events dedicated to the promotion of the draft constitutional law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and the referendum to be held on April 30 of this year..

The next event was held at the Faculty of History, located in “Solokhli” MFY.

The draft of the new Constitution of Uzbekistan opens wide opportunities for students. Amendments and additions have been made to the articles so that social norms and procedures are reflected in the field of education. As a clear example, it can be shown that the right of young people to study in higher education institutions on the basis of a grant at the expense of the state is defined in the General Law. With this, it is strictly guaranteed that talented young people will receive higher education at the expense of the state. Excited by such opportunities given to young people, students encouraged their peers to be active. Yelena Navro’zova, who has a delicate personality and is active in public affairs and studies, is of Russian nationality and speaks Uzbek very fluently. He also expressed his opinion at the next propaganda event held at the Faculty of History of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University under the slogan “Constitution is in my destiny”.

– Since 2017, a lot of changes have happened in my life. I grew up in a very simple family. When my mother gave birth to my brother, they were alone. We don’t have breadwinners, I had to take care of my brother, so I couldn’t go to my cotton skin. The school principal came to our house several times and said, “If you don’t let your daughter pick cotton, we will kick her out of school.” I couldn’t pick cotton because we didn’t have the opportunity. I went to class when my cotton skin was finished, unfortunately (with tears in my eyes) I was not lucky enough to study with my classmates. They grabbed my documents and didn’t let me into the class. I was expelled from school. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t go back to school. The dreams in my heart turned into dreams. I thought that my dreams would never come true. Due to the changes in Uzbekistan in 2017, I finished the 9th grade of school with students 17 years younger than me. I entered the Pedagogical College. I was lucky enough to successfully graduate from it and become a student of a higher educational institution. Over the past 6 years, unprecedented changes have taken place in my life. First, I became the owner of the famous degree named after Navoi, and then the state degree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. I am very happy that my dreams are coming true. I invite all students here to take an active part in the national referendum, which will be held on April 30, – says Yelena Navro’zova.

Deputies, talented students and neighborhood activists also spoke at the event. They provided information about the content and essence of the changes being introduced to our updated General Dictionary, as well as important aspects of the field. Explanations were given about norms related to young people in particular, their education, employment, health, and the realization of their potential. The event also discussed the national referendum to be held on April 30 of this year, as well as preparations for this process. The participants of the event emphasized that students and young people will actively participate in the referendum, and said that they will vote in favor of the updated constitution, which serves to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of the citizens of our country, to ensure the development and bright future of our country.