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A seminar-training aimed at supporting talented young people was held

A seminar-training was held on the topic “On measures to support talented young people engaged in scientific and innovative activities”, the Resolution No. 222 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 19, 2021 and “Using of international databases” on February 28, 2023, at the Faculty of Primary Education of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. At the beginning of the seminar-training, the vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations G. Kadirov talked with professors and teachers about the work of the existing departments of the faculty in the field in 2022 and the plans for 2023. Then S.Yakhshilikov, Head of International Ratings and Indexes Department, and Sh.Zhorayev, Head of Scientific Research, Innovations and Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel Training Department, gave speeches on the above topics. During the seminar-training, professors and teachers of the faculty asked questions that interested them.