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“Young people eagerly aspire to our university,” says Sh. Sharipov, the rector of JSPU

“Return to student life” project was held at JSPU in connection with the students’ day. Student period is the most beautiful, interesting and unforgettable years. It brings immense joy to young people. November 17 is celebrated all over the world as “International Students Day”. Yesterday, on the occasion of this date, the “Return to student life” project was held at JSPU with the participation of regional organization leaders.   The main goal of the project is to motivate young students. The event held at the Palace of Culture of the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University was opened by Sh.S. Sharipov, the rector of the university . In his speech, he emphasized that it is crucial for the current students to be mentally developed and master one of the foreign languages perfectly.   During the event, the guests of the project remembered their student years and shared interesting events with the students. The deputy mayor of Jizzakh region, A. Savurbayev, the mayor of Jizzakh city, K. Kholmurodov, the head of the Justice Department of Jizzakh region, A. Ergashev, the head of the Youth Affairs Agency of Jizzakh region, O. Musurmanov, the head of the regional department of the Presidential Educational Institutions Agency of Jizzakh region, Sh. Damanova, the director of the 1st specialized boarding school, S. Suyarova were guests inthe project. At the end of the lively meeting, the students got answers to their questions. The project was held in a cheerful spirit.