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Norbekov Umid Jo’rabek og’li INTRODUCTION In all current societies, the future destiny of young people is seen as social capital. One of the main reasons is that young people are an emerging political force in the construction of the state and society. According to modern research, the social communication of young people with the state is considered important. Their participation in cultural, political, legal relations, their direct impact on the state and the social sphere, which is part of it, is becoming a topical scientific problem. From this point of view, the development of civil society depends on such factors as civic activism of young people, the level of sense of citizenship, involvement in the interests of the state, the understanding of duty. Of course, in order to understand citizenship, it is necessary to have a trained, formed civic consciousness, because any activity does not move beyond consciousness. Civic consciousness is a conscious understanding of the relationship between the individual, society and the state in terms of democratic values, ideals, rights and freedoms. Civic consciousness also performs a number of functions. In particular:  social guide  leading to communication  a facilitator of mutual socio-political communication  normative formator in economic, political, legal, spiritual spheres [4] This civic consciousness can be formed due to the following factors:  according to the established political system and ideological upbringing  according to the state of legitimacy formed in the society  according to the legal status of individual freedom  According to the stable relationship between the state and society  based on a person’s political, legal knowledge and experience MATERIALS AND METHODS Socio-political analysis is useful in the study of the problems of formation of civic consciousness of young people. The level of civic consciousness of young people is, of course, reflected in social activism. In this case, the social activity of young people is twofold: positive and negative. On the one hand, social activism manifests itself in the context of protest mood and social instability of young people. However, adolescents and young people always act as a social group. On the other hand, the younger generation ensures the transmission of social relations and acts as a carrier of innovative change. Therefore, the increase in the social activity of young people during the reform period will become one of the conditions for the search for new forms of social structures. In the current context of Uzbekistan, we can assess the coordination of political interests and social activism of young people. The age range for socially active people is 21-30 years old. According to opinion polls, the majority of young people do not fully understand the content of the policy pursued in the country or are afraid to participate in political events, and there is political and legal optimism among young people. Another survey, which looked at the causes of such problems, found that many young people blamed corruption in government agencies, educational institutions, and information on the influential Internet.