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Aralova Iroda Trainee Teacher JDPI Department of Special Pedagogy     Abstract: Development of connected speech of mentally retarded children is one of the main tasks of corrective speech therapy. Clarifying and enriching connected speech plays a big role in the development of logical thinking, and the richer the child’s vocabulary, the more clearly, he thinks and speaks fluently. At a time when social, economic and political changes are taking place in our society, the main attention is being paid to the intellectual, moral and physical well-being of young people, that is, to raising a generation that is mature and healthy in all respects. As our head of state said, “It is our national characteristic to care about the future generation, to strive to raise a healthy, well-rounded generation. A country whose children are healthy will be powerful, and the children of a powerful country will be healthy.” Forming a healthy generation into a well-rounded person is an extremely responsible task, and at the same time, it is the result of a humane policy. Raising a healthy generation means building the foundation of a great state, the foundation of a prosperous life. In a historically short period of time, we have well understood our purpose and duty in this regard, as in other areas. The dream of a healthy generation is one of the noble values of our nation, which has become the basis of the essence of our family, life, aspirations, which has been passed down from our ancestors for thousands of years. The issue of the formation of children’s speech occupies an important place in modern speech therapy, the state of various speech defects and the methodology of its development remain an urgent problem. There are still a number of unsolved issues in the field of studying and raising mentally retarded children, paid experiences in reading, the possibility of successful correctional work with them and, if necessary, their further study, improvement of special methodologies. there are problems. It is known that children have all aspects of speech preschool age is the most effective in development and correction of deficiencies. 10 difficulties in changing the program of a preschool educational institution for mentally retarded children are related to the insufficient development of speech, including the size and quality of the vocabulary. The formation of mentally retarded speech is of great importance in the development of a child’s cognitive activity, because the meaning of a word is not only a means of speech, but also of thinking. One of the urgent problems of the present day is the correct organization of correctional-pedagogical support to increase the vocabulary of mentally retarded children of preschool age, to eliminate their deficiencies. Preschool education institutions implement a wide program of education and training. The education and training of children of preschool age with mental disabilities is implemented as an integral part of special education in the republic, and the degree of their disability is definitely taken into account when providing education and training to children with speech disabilities. It is known that speech development of the mentally retarded is affected not only by the condition of children’s visual functions. This connection is children’s visual perception and emotional experience, as well as the specific conditions of upbringing and education of this contingent of children are determined by the fact that it is insufficiently taken into account in the process of corrective development. It is known that improperly formed speech activity has a negative impact on the development of all areas of the child’s personality, that is, it makes it difficult for the development of cognitive activity, reduces the efficiency of remembering, causes deficiencies in logical and semantic memory, thinking. causes peculiarities in the implementation of operations (T. A. Tkachenko, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina). Also, speech defects in children are negative for children’s interpersonal relations and communication affects (Y.F. Garkusha, N.S. Zhukova, YE.M. Mastyukova) significantly inhibits the development of game activity (L.G. Solovyeva, T.A. Tkachenko I dr). 32 Taking into account the above points, the study of the connected speech of mentally retarded children can be considered as one of the important directions of research in the field of children’s speech. Also, in the general system of speech work, the development of children’s connected speech, its strengthening and activation is of particular importance. The pursuit of knowledge and the development of insightful thinking cannot be realized without acquiring new words (Shashkina.G.R, Zernova.L.P, Zimina.I.A). Development of connected speech of mentally retarded children is one of the main tasks of corrective speech therapy. Clarifying and enriching connected speech plays a big role in the development of logical thinking, and the richer the child’s vocabulary, the more clearly he thinks and speaks fluently. Logically rich speech is a guarantee of acquiring many fields of knowledge (Arkhipova.YE.F). In order to correctly identify the speech defect, a detailed study of the mental and speech development of the child is carried out. Taking this into account, we focused on studying the features of connected speech of sixyearold preschoolers during our experimental investigation. In the examination of children’s speech, we carried out experimental examination works based on the methods of examination of children’s speech by O.N.Usanova, G.V.Chirkina, L.YE.Levina, A.V.Yastrebova, M.Y.Ayupova and L.R.Mo’minova. The experiment was conducted individually. A conversation was used in order to get into emotional communication with the child. Anamnestic data of each child was also collected In order to get information about the psychological-pedagogical description, an interview was held with a teacher and a speech therapist. 33 In the emphatic experiment, methods corresponding to the tasks of the research were used. The following methods were used to study the connected speech of mentally retarded children: – study of the child’s medical and pedagogical documents; – observation of children in the course of educational and practical game activities; – interview with speech therapist educators; – learning connected speech based on a series of tasks. Mentally weak in the process of learning children’s connected speech, they are given the following tasks: Compose an independent small creative story. 3-4 pictures depicting a certain plot are placed in front of the child in an arbitrary order. Then the child is invited to put the pictures in the correct sequence. After that, they will be asked to make a story based on the pictures. Equipment: plot pictures. In the highlighting experiment, subject pictures of the following subjects were used: Set 1: children on the field; 2 sets: agenda; 3 sets: seasonal changes (spring); 4 sets: in the kitchen. They are asked to tell an independent story from a folk tale. In this case, the child should tell the content of the story that was previously told by his parents or the teacher. 1 set: the fairy tale “Strike the needle”; 2 sets: “Bogursoq” fairy tale; 3 sets: “Goat children” fairy tale. Completion of tasks by inspectors was evaluated in a 5-point system. Evaluation criterion: 5 points – the child completed all tasks correctly and independently. – the child is doing the task made individual mistakes, corrected them with the help of auxiliary questions. 3 points – in some cases it is necessary to explain the content of the task, the child completed the tasks at a slower pace based on help. 2 points – an explanation of the content of the task is required, the child completed the tasks based on help, that is, with the help of correcting mistakes and retries. The child’s answers require clarification. 1 point – the child cannot use help, could not answer correctly. The classes continue in this way, where the child learns to make up a story based on pictures and tell a story, and at the same time, connected speech is formed.     LIST OF REFERENCES
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