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                                Sardar Hazratkulov                                                                          Jizzakh State Pedagogical University                                                                                                                                           Faculty of physical culture                                                                                                       department of teaching methods of sports                                                    Эмаил аддресс:   Abstract:Motivation is one of the leading factors in professional sports. The main part of the coach’s activity is physical-tactical training, while motivational speech is the second main activity. This article discusses the importance of coach motivation in highly skilled basketball players. Improving the individual skills of basketball students, further developing a positive attitude towards basketball training and self-confidence in young basketball players special attention should be paid to their psychological preparation in order to form a high level of motivation. The determination of athletes is an important factor in achieving success in sports. That is why the high level of motivation and determination factor is important for the success of a young basketball player. Key words: Sport, motivation, coach, method, speech, competence, success, skill,      determination.   Проблема мотиватсии у юных баскетболистов и сущность понятия мотива Сардор Хазраткулов Джизакский государственный педагогический университет Факультет физической культуры кафедра методики спортивного обучения                           Адрес электронной почты:   Аннотатсия: мотиватсия-один из ведущих факторов в профессиональном спорте. В то время как основная часть тренерской деятельности-это физкультурно-тактическая подготовка, мотиватсионная речь-вторая основная деятельность. В этой статье обсуждается важность мотиватсии, обеспечиваемой тренером у высококвалифитсированных баскетболистов. При совершенствовании индивидуальных навыков воспитанников-баскетболистов особое внимание следует уделять их психологической подготовке для дальнейшего развития положительного отношения к занятиям баскетболом и формирования у юных баскетболистов высокого уровня мотиватсии уверенности в себе. Немаловажным фактором в достижении успеха в спорте является селеустремленность спортсменов. Именно поетому то, насколько высоко формируется фактор мотиватсии и настойчивости, имеет решающее значение для успеха молодого баскетболиста. Ключевые слова: Спорт,мотиватсия, тренер, метод, речь, компетентность,                           успех, умение, настойчивость. INTRODUCTION Different views have been formed in the science of psychology about the nature of the motive. Although there are many differences between these views, we can understand one commonality based on the essence of all views: a clear psychological phenomenon is hidden under the motive. Scientists who have expressed different opinions about the motive interpret this psychological phenomenon in different ways. Definitions given by psychologists can be considered in a certain way. Regarding the analysis of motive in the form of need, in many scientific sources, need is interpreted as a characteristic that has the power to motivate a person to behavior and activity. Need motivates a person to act. According to the great Russian psychologist S. L. Rubinstein, an active attitude is hidden on the basis of need, and this attitude directs a person to reveal his potential. Therefore, the need explains where a person gets the energy to be active Based on the definition of needs as triggers, we can observe the following two situations: – as soon as the subject is in a state of necessary arousal, the body begins to release and expend energy; – the stronger the need, the stronger the drive. Therefore, when the existing conditions do not allow the satisfaction of the need, it is necessary to increase the power, and this causes the subject’s activity to be undirected, general. At this point, it is worth mentioning that according to D.V. Kolesov, who developed a unique concept of psychic development, the power that moves the psyche is this need. According to him, relations with the external environment are necessary relations. They have different levels of tension, such as states of activity and inactivity, excitation and inhibition. At the same time, it also introduces the concept of the cycle of needs to the science. According to him, the cycle of needs is related to the unity of vital activity, which occurs when there is a lack of energy and substance in the body. In turn, the satisfaction of the need leads to the completion of the need cycle. According to D.V. Kolesov, the satisfaction of the need is the possession of the object of need and its use. There are also methods of possession and use of the object of need, which go back to the specific conditions associated with the satisfaction of the need. Here, psychologists S. L. Rubinstein, K. K. Platonov, L. M. Borisovich, V. A. Ivannikov expressed the following opinions about the interrelationships between needs and motives: – there may be an indirect connection between need and motive; – the need is the impetus for the emergence of the motive; – that the need is part of the motive; – the need itself is considered a motive. There are a number of situations that do not justify equating the motive with the need, firstly, the need cannot fully explain the reason for the specific activity. In other words, one need can be satisfied through different means and ways. Second, the motive-need is separated from the ideal goal, and therefore it is difficult to understand why the motive is directed towards the goal. A.N. Leont’ev touched on this topic: “Subjective feelings, desires and wishes cannot be motives, because they do not create activity directed towards a certain goal by themselves. If we consider need as the trigger of activity, we cannot explain the meaning of activity,” he writes. Thus, different scientists interpreted the meaning of the concepts of motive and need in different ways, which led to the emergence of the above different opinions. In our opinion, the above discussions would be put to an end only if the linguistic meanings of the concepts of motive and need were analyzed in depth and a unanimous decision was made by scientists. If we analyze the concept of motive in the form of a goal, then by goal we mean something that is sought and implemented. A certain subject, object, behavior can also appear as a goal. S. L. Rubinstein evaluates the goal as a subject of need satisfaction. Objects become the object of the subject’s possible action only when they become objects of desire. In this sense, A.N. Leontev’s opinion about calling an object that can satisfy a need as a motive is noteworthy. At the same time, he does not deny that the goal can become a motive. In another of his works, A.N. Leontev uses the term “motive” not to mean feeling the need in oneself, but to express this need in certain conditions with a certain objectivity. Activity is directed towards that objectivity. Perceived (imagined, thought) object becomes a motive while fulfilling its role as a stimulus. For example, the motive for an activity called theft may be money or valuables. According to S. L. Manukyan, certain objects and events (objects) create a need with a specific objective content. If a person encounters that object or for some reason comes to life in his imagination, then the content activates the need every time. Therefore, S.L. Manukyan believes that activity is not called by need, but the subject of need or its image causes activity. L. I. Bojovich criticizes the idea that objects bring needs to the world. According to him, S. L. Manukyan does not think about why one or another images that animate needs appear in a person. That is why it is important to study the reason for the appearance of objects in the human mind. L. I. Bojovich admits: “… when objects are of some importance to a person and that importance is reflected in the human mind, they arouse a need.” However, the author does not explain why a certain object became important at a certain time, only when there is some need, an object becomes important in a certain situation. Because a person has the ability to satisfy such a need. The appearance of the desired object increases the power of the need, determines its certain direction. But this object may not have a motivating force in relation to the activity. At this point, I.M. Sechenov’s opinion on this issue can be cited: “Life needs give birth to desires, and they now follow actions, the desire becomes such a motive or goal, actions become a means of achieving the goal… A desire that has become a motive or has no impulse the effort would have been utterly pointless.” L. I. Bojovich said that it is not possible to determine the goal-directed movement of a person with a need, but only calls for unorganized activity (in this case, instinctive biological needs associated with innate mechanisms of satisfaction are an exception). He embodies this or that need in us. As a result, the ability to stimulate human activity and behavior is formed. At first, these objects are only implemented, and then they call for a similar need, so the objects are the motivators of needs, and not of actions and activities. Under the influence of the object, human activity cannot occur without the revival of the need. Scientists of the 19th century interpreted the motive as a driving force. According to them, motivation is the force that invites a person to do something. However, one-sidedness can be seen in their thoughts. The reason for this may be that they called any force that motivates a person to act, a reason as a motive. In addition, they believed that the motive was mainly external forces. G. Allport says that the object that motivates a person to act can be invisible (imagined or fantasized) objects. Thus, we can find both correct and incorrect aspects of explaining the motive as a trigger. MATERIALS AND METHODS Western psychology tends to focus on causes in the analysis of various ways and causes of behavior. In other words, the main focus on the issues of how and why the behavior is performed is “why is it performed?” focus on the question and search for their motivational mechanisms. However, it is important to distinguish between motivational and non-motivational forms of reasons. In other words, S. L. Rubinstein said that it is not the physiological reaction to an external stimulus, but the awareness of the importance of that stimulus. It will be possible to explain the nature of motivation only by analyzing the mental reaction that occurs. At the same time, any arousal that appears in the human organism cannot be a motive, but only an internally realized arousal that reflects a person’s readiness for a certain action or work can be a motive. Thus, the stimulus (instigator) calls the action indirectly, that is, it calls through the motive; whereas the trigger of a motive is a stimulus, the trigger of an action is an internalized arousal. Many psychologists describe this as motivation. At this point, H. Heckauze’s remark is appropriate: motivation, he writes, is to incite a person to action with the help of a certain motive (note that it is not called a stimulus, but a motive). The opinion of V. I. Kovalev is also noteworthy in this regard. He also evaluates the motive as a conscious arousal. He considers arousal to be a separate independent psychological phenomenon. In this sense, he separates the motive from assumptions, goals, relationships, situations, inclinations, desires. At the same time, a number of psychologists, including A.A. Fayzullaev (1985, 1987, 1989), do not add motivation to motivation, and even separate motivation from motivation. We can express the above points in the following scheme. Motive – motivation – movement (H. Heckhausen); motivation (motive) – movement (V.I. Kovalev); excitement – motive – action (A.A. Fayzullaev). Our psychologists, along with stressing the motivating force of the motive, naturally also conducted research on the source of this motivating force. Their opinions differed on this issue as well. Some psychologists believe that arousal is caused by needs, while other scientists believe that it arises from an object that satisfies a need. Thus, the interpretation of arousal as a motive also has its own characteristics and acquires a certain positive value in explaining the important psychological phenomenon called “motivation”. Many psychologists interpreted the motive in the form of intention. In particular, K. Levin explains intention as a voluntary act. According to him, intention is necessary to give birth to actions arising from the direct demands of things. In fact, the intention motivates a person to act in a unique way and can be considered as a motive. L. I. Bojovich considers it as an instigator of actions in the process of making a decision regarding a behavior. At the same time, he claims that the intention arises at the root of unsatisfied needs and requires certain intermediate stages that do not have their own special motivation. In this case, they appear as a trigger for actions aimed at achieving intermediate goals. According to some authors, the intention is formed when the goal is separated from the activity and its implementation is prolonged. Moreover, it appears on the one hand as a result of the effect of need and on the other hand as a product of human mental activity (related to the awareness of the means to achieve the goal). Thus, for the first time, intention focuses on the mental-intellectual side of the action that leads to the adoption of a certain decision by a person. It is worth noting that no scientific source considers intention as a motive, but its close connection with motivation and motive as a driving force led to its explanation by motive. B.V. Zeigarnik explains the disturbance in his human motivational sphere with the weakening of intention. It should be noted here that intention cannot reveal the first cause of behavior, “why did this behavior appear?” cannot answer the question. That is why many problematic situations arise in the explanation of the motive as an intention, which cannot be clarified without studying and analyzing them. The interpretation of the motive as a stable quality of the person can be found mainly in the works of Western psychologists. They emphasize static and variable factors of motivation (M. Madsen), static and functional changes (H. Murray), personal and situational determinants (J. Atkinson) as criteria for distinguishing between the concepts of motive and motivation. According to the authors, stable qualities of individuals determine and ensure activity and behavior at the level of external stimuli. A number of Russian scientists (K.K. Platonov, V.S. Merlin, M.Sh. Magomed-Eminov) claim that the stable qualities of a person can participate as a motive. However, it should be noted here that the participation of personality traits in the form of motives does not solve the problem. More specifically, many personality traits are actually needs. For example, the desire for activity, the desire for satisfaction, the need for new experiences, the need for creativity, etc. At the same time, the interest of the individual, Fixed characteristics such as inclinations, ideals, beliefs, worldview, indeed, affect the decision making by a person, in this respect they are close to motives. According to the scholars who analyzed the motive in terms of situation, such an approach to the motive has been around for a long time. According to this approach, motivation is a condition that makes a person act or does not act at all. Foreign scientists Dj. Gilford, B. R. Hilgard are considered to have promoted this approach. They express the opinion that the motive is the factor that initiates activity and supports it, prompting a person to certain behaviors. In reality, emotions are also human states. There are also those who consider the motive to be a feeling of necessity. However, the feeling of need is considered one of the components of the need of the person, and in fact it is one of the states of the person. In other words, it is not correct to accept the motive only as a situation. Because the motive is actually a force that invites a person to act, and it appears only when the image of the object that can satisfy the need appears in the mind. From this point of view, A.M. Meerovich’s explanation of the motive as a “model of a necessary state” is valuable. According to A.M. Meerovich, when the image of the object of need appears, the person has the opportunity to model the state of “need” and plans his actions in advance. According to the scientist, it is the motive of the activity that reflects why the action is taking place, and this model can serve. In short, the preplanning and modeling of behavior actually has motivational power. Just don’t rush to accept it as a motive. In psychology, there are also those who evaluate the motive as a form of formulation. Such a point of view was put forward by Polish scientists (K. Obukhovsky, A. Levisky). According to them, motivation is a mental process that prompts us to set a goal and lead us to accept the means to help us perform a behavior. We write the motive as formulation only because K. Obukhovsky used the word “formulation” instead of the word “process” in this definition. Briefly in other words, motive is the formulation of goals and means. Formulation helps a person clarify the purpose of behavior. When K. Obukhovsky writes about the motive, he pays special attention to the understanding of its purpose and means of realizing this purpose. This situation is close to the opinions of authors such as V.M. Myasishchev and I.V. Imedadze, who consider the motive as the basis of behavior. The motive is considered an important factor that characterizes the understanding of human activity, it explains the essence of human behavior. However, this information does not illuminate the issue of the causes of behavior in all its complexity. From this point of view, the interpretation of the motive in the form of formulation, without a doubt, cannot explain all the details of human behavior. The formulation of the goal of human behavior and the means of goal realization does not fully explain its activity, the awareness of this activity. The position of the Uzbek psychologist P.I. Ivanov on the motive is in a certain sense consistent with the thoughts of K. Obukhovsky. According to P.I. Ivanov, motive is a psychological factor that explains why a person chose this goal and not another, why he acted in this way and not otherwise. The scientific-theoretical views of the leading psychologists working in our country on the issues of emotional states, psychocorrection of the athlete’s personality are related to the scientific organization of young people’s participation in sports activities, ensuring their correct orientation in life and physical fitness, taking into account the values ​​​​specific to the psychology of the athlete, the type of sport and the field. It is important to preserve and protect our nationality and national mentality. The importance of motivation in the influence of sports activity on the formation of an athlete’s character is very great, it not only motivates a person to engage in sports in sports activities, but also creates a factor of personal, subjective content in a person in relation to sports activities. CONCLUSIONThe well-known psychologist G.B.Shoumarov in his studies also paid special attention to the harmony of physical and psychological development in the maturation of young people, the ability of an athlete to be physically healthy, mentally strong, and able to manage emotional states to achieve success in sports activities, and the issue of overcoming them and overcoming them in sports can be solved positively. we’ll see. He is in educational institutions that train athletes researched the issue of psychological services, scientifically studied the interrelationship of emotional and emotional experiences with the individual characteristics of the athlete, and analyzed the important aspects of overcoming and eliminating negative emotions with the help of local examples. Table 1 Indicators of correlations between personality orientation scales of young basketball players (Djizzakh)
Scales     To himself    To the dialogue To the activity
To himself 1 -0,182 0,095
To the dialogue   1 -0,013
To the dialogue     1
We witness that psychologist V. M. Karimova thoroughly dealt with the role of physical education in preparing young people for a family, the concept of a healthy family, the ideas of a healthy mother and a healthy child, and the problems of controlling emotional communication within the framework of personal relationships. In A.M.Jabbarov’s studies, the influence of national sports games on the development of society and the scientific views on the psychological nature of the important features of personal development in sports are of great importance. National sports appear as a necessary physical and educational psychological factor in a person’s life, activities, growth and development. In the author’s scientific research, together with this, a person’s own inner experiences, will, we can see his scientific-theoretical opinions and analyzes regarding the methodological foundations, scientific-theoretical aspects of tenacity, strong emotional excitement. Sh.R. Barotov in teams and expressed his opinion about the importance of the role and importance of psychological service in the organization of psychological service in the society, moderation of the psychological environment in sports teams, correct establishment of athlete-coach relations, prevention and elimination of emotional stress.In her research, Z.T. Nishonova focused on the scientific and methodological aspects of correcting the changes in the emotional state of athletes studying in sports institutions under various external influences and case situations, and in the practice of psychological support acknowledges the importance of using different types of therapy, i.e. cognitive therapy, GEShtalterapiya and other psychotherapeutic methods of national and cultural values, in the correction of emotional disturbances.                                                                                                                    Table 2 Indicators of correlations between personality orientation scales of young basketball players (Samarkand)
Scales     To himself    To the dialogue To the activity
To himself 1 0,431* -0,022
To the dialogue   1 -0,008
To the dialogue     1
He developed socio-psychological training programs that are considered effective in sports activities and created a system of exercises aimed at gradually eliminating changes in the athlete’s emotional state: programs for self-awareness of a person and his feelings, re-evaluation of his personality, working on emotions and understanding the consequences they cause, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, development of cognitive processes, striving for excellence, working with sports teams and coaches have been created and widely implemented expressed his opinion on the matter of doing. So, above we briefly considered the interpretation of the motif as a formulation. In a certain sense, such an interpretation is valuable as it reflects a unique aspect of the important concept called “motive”. Psychological studies in the field of sports psychology are diverse and cover many theoretical and practical problems of sports. Such studies have been successfully carried out in all countries where sports have developed, and many athletes, coaches and scientific staff are involved in the research work. It is characteristic that the motivation to achieve the goal prevails over the motivation of hope for success in athletes. In other words, athletes, unlike other people with similar motivations, before the start of their activities, say, “Whatever happens!” I wish I hadn’t lost!” while thinking little thoughts. The following can be included in the content of the athlete’s motivation: the desire for victory, the emotional factor, the ability to “fight to the end”. The results of the study of the motivation characteristics of representatives of various sports by sports psychologists show that the representatives of periodic sports that require endurance have a high level of motivation. In single combat and similar games the athlete’s motivation to achieve success is not very strong, as his skills increase, he adapts to the conditions of activity. At the same time, it is very complex and related to various personality traits.  Based on the results of a special examination of the achievements and other characteristics of representatives of sports such as boxing and fencing, it can be said that the motivation of athletes to achieve success in these sports is related to their personal factors such as risk-taking and lack of fear. Boxers and fencers with a strong need for success  they have a tendency to compete, they are distinguished by their courage in dangerous situations, they are active in overcoming difficulties. They try to maintain their reputation and protect their opinions in everyday life, study and work. All of this is a result of the success motivation mechanisms inherent in boxing and fencing. The motivation of martial arts representatives to achieve results significantly determines success. V. Goshek and E. As a result of Kalinin’s observations, it is known that boxers and fencers prefer offensive methods of activity when the need for success prevails, and they have a much higher number of offensive actions compared to athletes with a dominant need to avoid failure, because athletes with a strong need to avoid failure choose a more defensive method.                  LIST OF REFERENCES:  [1]. Выготский Л.С. Собрaние сочинений в шести томaх. -М.: “Педaгогикa”,    1982. [2]. Небылицин В.Д. Избрaние психологические труды. -М.: “Педaгогикa”,   1990. 248 с. [3]. Немов Р.С. Психология. В 3-х томaх. -М.: Влaдос, 2009. 1924 с. [4]. Пaвлов И.П.Полное собрaние сочинения.-М.:1951.т.3.кн.2. [5]. Пaвлов И.П.Полное собрaние сочинения.-М.:1951. т.8.кн. 2. [6]. Пaвлов И.П. Лекции по физиологии. -М.: 1951. [7]. Пaвлов И.П.Полное собрaние сочинения. -М.: 1951.т.4. [8]. 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