Heal with sweet words of kind people
(The Rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute visited the Jizzakh branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology)..
(The Rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute visited the Jizzakh branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology)..
The team of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute congratulates school graduates Rector , professors and teachers of the institute are taking part in the "Last bell" events, which is taking place in..
The head of the department of distance education in social and humanitarian sciences of Jizzakh State Pedagogical university and professors returned to the 16th public education school of Zamin..
Teachers of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute held a seminar-training with the activists of neighborhoods in Dashtobod city "Nurafshon" and "Uzbekistan" on the principle of "An..
The Republican scientific-practical conference initiated by the Faculty of "Pedagogy and Psychology" and it was opened with the welcoming speech of the Rector of the Institute ShS Sharipov The..
Allow me to congratulate sincerely all of you on the great holiday of our sacred religion Ramadan holiday - Eid al-Fitr ! Ramadan, the month of mercy, goodness, and generosity, is coming to an..
“We are together” This is the name of the joint charity project organized by the Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after A Qadiri Today, under the leadership of the head of our state,..
Jizzax davlat pedagogika instituti Maktabgacha ta’lim fakulteti professor-o‘qituvchilari 2021 yil 6 may kuni “Bir ziyoli – bir mahallaga ma’naviy homiy” shiori ostida Jizzax shaxri..
In Jizzakh region, professors and prominent educated people joined together to organize events based on the principle of "One educated person is a spiritual pastor of one neighborhood", and it is..