Educational and methodological support department

Head of the Department:
Abduraxmonov Akbar Abduxamidovich
Telephone: +998 99 000 00 00 Email address:
The department of educational and methodological support is a structural of the university that implements the processes of development of standards for the organization of academic activity, the creation and development of curriculum, science programs, development of regulatory documents on improvement of the educational process, ensuring the integration of the national education system into the foreign education system, and ensuring the openness and transparency of the educational process.
Duties of the head of department:
- Organizing department activities, distribution of department tasks, ensuring effective and timely performance of assigned tasks;
- the state of the university’s educational process, ensuring compliance with state educational standards;
- ensuring the development of all normative processes related to the organization of the university educational process and their application to the educational process;
- to improve the university curriculum and training programs based on the requirements of the training programs of the prestigious foreign higher education institutions included in the TOP-1000 of the internationally recognized ratings and the requirements of the personnel customers;
- participation in the commissions created to monitor the academic activities of university departments, deaneries and other departments;
- to further improve academic activity at the university based on the experiences of academic activities of prestigious foreign higher educational institutions, to establish relations with higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of the republic and foreign countries, to organize the use of their advanced experiences in order to increase their effectiveness;
- introducing the credit-module system into the university education process, having studied the experience of universities in foreign countries where the educational process is developed;
- development and approval of a new curriculum, science programs (syllabus) based on the curriculum, science programs (syllabus) of prestigious foreign HEIs;
- monitoring of educational activities organized in the credit-module system;

Methodist of the department of educational and methodological support:
Karimova Baxtiniso
Telephone: +998 99 000 00 00 Email address: ___________@mail.ruThe duties of the Methodist of the Department include:
- organizing the work of departments and ensuring effective and timely performance of assigned tasks;
- controlling of compliance with the rules of the internal labor procedure of the university;
- reviewing and approving work plans of departments, accepting reports on the implementation of these plans;
- controlling over the development of the curriculum and educational programs of the university’s educational directions and specialties and maintain an electronic catalog of the curriculum and educational programs;
- controlling and approve the fair distribution of academic workloads of professors and teachers in accordance with time standards and formalization of personal work plans, and to receive reports on their implementation;
- ensuring the discussion of proposals for improving academic activity in the University Councils;
- controlling the execution of the orders of the rector of the university and the decisions of the Council related to academic activities.