Department of mathematics teaching methodology

Head of the department:
Sulaymonov Fozil O’ralovich
Phone number:
+998 99 356 75 77
Email address:
Office days:
Monday-Saturday, 15:00-18:00
Members of the Department of Mathematics Teaching Methodology:
Total teachers – 21
Head teachers – 4
Docents– 3
Teachers– 8
Trainee teachers – 7

Ergashev Baxtiyor
candidate of economic sciences, docent

Shamsiyev Abduvali

Alishev Abdumannon

Pardayeva Zamira
head teacher

G’iyosova Zebo
head teacher

Ernazarova Nazira
head teacher

O’sarov Sardor

Qazibekov Musaxon

Nosirova Dilnoza

Xoljigitov Sobir
head teacher

Turdiboyev Sanjar
head teacher

Ismatov Normurod

Isayev Nurbek

Abduxakimov Saidahmad

Boyzoqov Maxmud
trainee teacher

Xolboyev Nurjon
trainee teacher

Fayzullayev Musabek
trainee teacher

Suyunova Nargiza
trainee teacher

Davronova Xafiza
trainee teacher

Sindorov Akbar
trainee teacher

O’roqova Yulduz
trainee teacher

Jo’rayev Latif
trainee teacher
Fields of study and specialties:
Mathematics and informatics, Mathematics teaching methodology, Exact and natural science teaching methodology (mathematics).
Bachelor’s degree programs: 5110100-Mathematics teaching methodology, 60110600-Mathematics and computer science
Master’s degree programs: 70110601-Methodology of teaching exact and natural sciences (Mathematics)
Department specializations:
Mathematical analysis, Algebra and number theory, Geometry, Informatics and digital technologies, Modern programming languages, Theory of functions, Pedagogical software tools, Probability theory and mathematical statistics, Mathematics teaching methodology, Mathematics teaching technologies and design, Methodology for solving sample problems from mathematics, Teaching mathematics for profession, History of mathematics, Introduction to specialization, Working with academic lyceum and school textbooks, Methodology of teaching mathematics in higher education, Methodology of teaching specialty subject