Department of distance learning in pedagogy-psychology and music

Head of department:
Yo‘ldoshev Farhodjon Baxtiyor O‘g‘li
Phone number:
Reception days:
Tuesday-Friday, 14:00-18:00
Members of the department of distance education in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and music:
Total number of teachers – 16
Doctor of Science – 0
Doctor of Science – 0
Doctor of Philosophy – 1
Senior teachers – 2
Senior teachers – 2
Teachers – 1
Intern teachers – 12
Intern teachers – 12

Avazov Azam
candidate of philosophy in economics

Siddikova Gulnoza
senior teacher

Muborak Torayeva

Hakkulov Kamil
senior teacher

Nokulova Sorakhan

Djavlonova Nodira

Mamurova Malohat

Koldashev Siroj

Egamkulov Oybek

Majidov Dilshad

Turdiyev Namaz

Yuldasheva Sojida

Ravshanova Gulnoza

Saypillayeva Hilola

Tursunova Dilbar

Tajimuratov Aziz
Educational directions and specialties:
5110900 – Pedagogy-psychology, 5111900 – Defectology (Speechology), 5111100 – Music education
Department specializations:
In the field of pedagogy-psychology: General pedagogy, Social pedagogy, Family pedagogy, methodology of teaching pedagogy-psychology, General psychology, theory and history of psychology, theory and history of pedagogy, pedagogical conflictology, developmental psychology and pedagogical psychology, social pedagogy, preschool pedagogy, pedagogical expertise, social psychology, psychodiagnostics and experimental psychology, foundations of psychological services, pedagogical technologies, comparative pedagogy.
In the field of defectology: Speech therapy, speech therapy work with children with speech defects, corrective work with children with developmental disabilities, speech therapy rhythms, speech therapy technologies, speech therapy games, speech therapy massage, inclusive education, special pedagogy and psychology.
In the field of music education: Music theory, vocal and modern music, theory and methodology of pre-school music aesthetic education, instrumental performance, music history, vocal performance, conducting, music teaching methodology, traditional singing, choir and choral studies, children’s music literature, Uzbek folk music, notation and work in computer programs.
Note: the list of subjects is based on the main subjects of the 2022-2023 academic year.
History of the department of distance education in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and music:
The department is one of the teams with great scientific and pedagogical potential in the extramural (special extramural) department.
The department was established in 2022. Abdunazarov Abdumutal Olimovich heads the department today. The department is preparing a bachelor’s degree in 5110900 – Pedagogy-psychology, 5111100 – Music education and 5111900 – Defectology (Speechology). Currently, the department has a total of 16 professors. Among them, 1 professor-teacher has a scientific degree. The indicator of scientific potential is 6.25%. In particular, Avazov Azzam is a candidate of philosophy (PhD) in economics.
Cooperation of the department of distance education in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and music:
It will be launched during the 2022-2023 academic year.