Educational directions and specialties:
The national idea, the foundations of spirituality and the direction of legal education
Methodology of teaching social and humanitarian sciences (fundamentals of spirituality)
Department specializations:
Theory of the state and law, theory and practice of the national idea, cultural studies, education, national
idea, the basics of spirituality and the methodology of teaching legal sciences, spirituality,
specializations of law, the methodology of organizing spiritual educational work, the basics of geopolitics,
Legal culture and legal education, Philosophy, Spirituality, Professional spirituality.
History of the Department of Philosophy, Education and Legal Education:
The Department of “Philosophy, Education and Legal Education” is one of the teams with great
scientific-pedagogical potential in the Faculty of History of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. Since
the establishment of the university, the department of “Philosophy, education and legal education” has had
different names – “Philosophy of Marxism-Leninism” (in 1974-1984, head of the department Z. Nizomiddinov),
“Scientific Communism” (in 1984-1987, head of the department T. .Javlonov), “Philosophy” (1987-1991, head of
the department Z. Nizomiddinov), “Philosophy and Law” (1991-1997, head of the department A.Botirov),
“Philosophy and Etiquette” (1997-1999, head of the department head E.Kholbutayev, Sh.Ikromov), “Philosophy
and spiritual foundations” (2000-2005, head of the department B.Ochilova), “Social sciences” (2006-2022,
head of the department B.Ochilova).
Over the past years, Z. Nizomiddinov (PhD), T. Javlonov (PhD), A.L. Attexovich (PhD), E. Kholbutayev (PhD),
A. Botirov (Cand.PhS, Ph.D.), Sh. Ashurov, M. Egamkulov, M. Turonov, P. Kulmatov (, associate
professor), Sh. PhD), T. Akhmedov (PhD), I. Ahmedov (PhD), I. Abdusaidova, M. Kubayeva, A. Meliboyev, D.
Askarova, N. Ergashev, K. Saidov, Z. Khidirova, S. Karimov, F. Abdusamadov, S. Muzaffarov, Sh. Mominova, B.
Botirov (Ph.D.), A. Usmonov, B. Khonturayev, J. Toshboyev, O. Bobomurodov performed scientific and
pedagogical activities in the department.
The department was established in 2020 on the basis of the merger of the “Social Sciences” and “National
Idea, Spiritual Foundations and Legal Education” departments. Today, the department is headed by candidate
of philosophy sciences, associate professor Amonlaev Abdurasul Khakimovich. The department prepares a
bachelor’s degree in the field of 5111600 – National idea, foundations of spirituality and legal education,
and masters in the specialty 5A111601 – Methodology of teaching social and humanitarian sciences
(foundations of spirituality). Currently, a total of 27 professors work in the department. 12 of them have
academic degrees. The indicator of scientific potential is 47.4%. Among them, 3 doctors of science (B.
Ochilova, M. Khoshimkhanov, A. Saidkosimov), 10 candidates of science and doctors of philosophy (PhD) F.
Mamatkulov, A. Amonlayev, M. Sayidov, B. Toshboev, S. Kistauboev, M. Ergasheva, Kh. Ashirmatov, N. Tangirov,
Bozorboeva Z, Turaev Abror), 7 senior teachers (Yo. Turopov, Z. Mirkomilova, A. Aripov, A. Turayev, Z.
Gaziyev, J. Suvonkulov, Bozorboeva Z ) and 8 teachers (K. Yusupov J. Shodiyev, U. Norbekov, Z. Kasimova, N.
Musinov M. Nabiyev, Aslanova S, Vahobov U) are working.
Cooperation activities of the Department of Philosophy, Education and Legal
Cooperation relations have been established with foreign HEIs such as Samara State Institute of Culture,
Samara State University, Kazan Federal University, Osh Uzbek-Kyrgyz Institute. In particular, at the same
time, agreements were signed with the Samara State Institute of Culture (February 2021) and the Kazan
Federal Institute (September 2021), and cooperation measures were developed in educational and
scientific-methodical areas.
Online lectures were organized in March-June 2021 (Samara State Institute of Culture: Ionesov Vladimir
Ivanovich, Doctor of Cultural Studies, Candidate of History, Svetlana Solovyova, Doctor of Philosophy,
Associate Professor, Kazan Federal University: Mingazova Nailiya, Pedagogical Sciences doctor, professor) in
February-March 2022, an online lecture was organized with the teachers of Kazan Federal University: Hamidov
Yevgeny Nafisovich (20 hours) and Smirnova Yuliya Dmitrievna (20 hours).