Faculty of preschool education

Preschool education faculty
The faculty has 2 departments:
– Methodology of preschool education– Physical culture in preschool and primary education

Meliyev Xamidulla Abdullayevich
Activity: from August 20, 2020
Reception hours: Wednesday, Thursday 09:00–16:00
The faculty was established in 2020. A total of 43 professors work at the faculty. 2 of them are doctors of science, 1 is a candidate of science and an associate professor. Currently, 815 undergraduates and 62 graduate students study at the faculty.

The following clubs are active in the faculty of preschool education: “Volleyball”, “Wrestling”, “Children and puppet theater in preschool education”, “Young educators”, “Girls”. In the faculty of preschool education, the student-theater studio “Ijod”, “Cheksiz Bilim” intellectual game team, “Shaddod qizlar” team of cheerleaders and wits were organized. “Shaddod qizlar” team of cheerleaders and wits took part in the institute qualifying stage of the competition of cheerleaders and wits and won a ticket to the final stage. Openness is ensured in every club in the faculty of preschool education. Members from other faculties also participate. Creative works of students have been published in national and international conference collections, magazines, as well as in several newspapers.
Up today, students of the faculty have achieved many achievements. Sh. Makhkamboyeva “Navoi” state scholarship laureate, Sh. Aglamova is a participant of the “Student of the Year” Republican competition, Sh. Makhkamboeva is the winner of the “Woman of the 21st Century” Republican competition, students M. Imotdinova and M. Sadullaeva are the winners of the Republican Online Science Olympiad, in 2021,D. A. Pak is the winner of the “Mir Olympiad” competition held in Russia Olibi, Sh. Makhkamboyeva, M. Umaraliyeva, D. Otaboyeva won the international competitions “Luchshiy student Sodrujestva nezavisimyx Gosudarstv” and “Luchshiy molodye uchyonye – 2021”. In the faculty of pre-school education, “Day of fighting against AIDS and HIV infection”, “Prevention of corruption is the duty of every citizen”, “The plague of the drug addiction century”, “Peace between nations” as part of the month “Fight against the distribution of drugs among young people” Students showed their initiative in the propaganda work carried out on the theme “coexistence between the institute-neighborhood-family is a guarantee of youth education”. “Blows of Fate”, “Human trafficking”, “Children of the State” staged by the “Ijod” student-theater studio, events, meetings and roundtable discussions on the topic of “Prevention of crime and delinquency”, religious exoterism and terrorism have been organized. The play “State Children” was staged by the “Ilhom” theater studio of the faculty of pre-school education.