Department of Computer science teaching methodology

Head of department:
Begbo‘tayev Azzam Eshpo‘latovich
associate professorPhone number:
+998 97 325 14 74
Reception days:
Monday-Friday, 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m
Members of the Department of Informatics and its Teaching Methodology:
Total number of teachers – 17
Doctor of science, associate professor – 4
Doctor of Philosophy – 6
Senior teachers – 7
Teachers – 1
Trainee teachers –

Botirov Dostkul
associate professor

Haitov Faizulla
associate professor

Eshankulov Tirkash
associate professor

Bekbotaev Azzam

Bozorov Ghiyassidin

Satorov Azamat

Karshiev Abror

Mamatkulova Umida
senior teacher

Tangirov Khurram
senior teacher

Alishev Sherkuzi

Bobobekov Shakir

Rahmonkulov Feruz

Khanimkulov Ulughbek

Ergashov Bakhriddin

Tashpolatov Hamdam

Abdughaniyev Bekzod
About the Department of Informatics and its Teaching Methodology
The department was established in 1987. Until 2005, the department was run under the name “Basics of Informatics and Computer Science”, from 2005 to 2015 “Informatics and Information Technology”, and since 2015, the department has been run under the name “Informatics and its Teaching Methodology”. 17 professors work in the department. 8 of them have a scientific degree, 2 are senior teachers, 7 are teachers. During the last 3 years, 4 teachers defended their candidate theses at the department. During the next 3 years, the members of the department published 3 scientific monographs, 5 training manuals, about 25 methodological manuals and recommendations, about 60 publications in foreign and HAC publications, as well as in the republican scientific journals, on the scale of the republic. More than 80 scientific-methodical articles have been published in more than 20 scientific-theoretical, scientific-practical conference collections. The department mainly teaches general professional and specialized subjects in the “Mathematics and Informatics” and “Methodology of Informatics Teaching” baccalaureate educational directions. “Young programmers” science clubs are active in the department. In 2021, professors and teachers of the department published a total of 27 scientific articles in international scientific journals, 20 in national scientific journals, 19 in international conferences, 21 in national scientific seminars, and 14 in higher education conferences. 5 certificates were received by the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The number of citations to the scientific works of professors and teachers of the department posted on international platforms based on the results of scientific research works is 2892 in total. There are 10 professors with Hirsh indices of 5 and above on these platforms.
Subjects taught at the department: Informatics teaching methodology (all educational areas)
The priority areas of scientific research activities of the department:
The current stage of the development of the education system in our country sets qualitatively new requirements for the content and methodology, and for increasing its effectiveness. Based on these requirements, large-scale work is being carried out to create an educational system that meets the priority directions of socio-economic development of our country and the requirements of international standards. In the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 8, 2019 “On approval of the concept of the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 №-5847, measures to introduce modern methods into the educational process implementation, including the establishment of a highly qualified engineer technical personnel training system for the digital economy, individualization of educational processes, development of distance education services, wide implementation of webinar, online, “blended learning” and “flipped classroom” technologies special attention is paid to the issues of achievement. Also, the implementation of priority projects to provide the industry with qualified personnel is underway. Decree № PD-5847 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 8, 2019 “On approval of the concept of the development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030”, as well as other regulatory and legal documents related to this activity serves at a certain level in the implementation of specified tasks.