Department of theory and practice of primary education

Doctor of philological sciences, professor.Members of the Department of Theory and Practice of Primary Education:

Torakulov Kholbota
doctor of technical sciences, professor

Jumanazarov Umirzak
doctor of technical sciences, professor

Suvankulov Bakhtiyar
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

Ibragimova Fazilat
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

Fayzullayev Bahadir
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor

Nemat Ravshanovich
candidate of economic sciences, senior teacher

Bakiyeva Marhamat
candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher

Elmurad Nasrullayev
PhD in philological sciences, associate professor

Boltayeva Barno
PhD in philological sciences, associate professor

Siddikova Shahida
PhD in philological sciences, associate professor

Khadzhimusayeva Nilufar
PhD in philological sciences, associate professor

Eshmurodov Abdubahab
PhD in philological sciences, associate professor

Tursunov Dior
PhD in pedagogical sciences, senior teacher

Husanov Hamrakul
senior teacher

Israilova Farida
senior teacher

Nusratova Dilora
senior teacher

Usmanov Murad
senior teacher

Ergasheva Matluba
senior teacher

Abdullayev Kholkhoja

Temurov Sobirjon

Sherboyeva Nadira