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Film “Don’t be afraid” (Qo’rqma) was shown based on the presentation of the project “Mutolaa”

In Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, on the basis of the decision of the head of our state “On the implementation of the project of a thousand books for young people”, the premiere of the film “Don’t be afraid” based on the work “Don’t be afraid” by Javlon Jovliyev was held within the framework of the “Mutolaa” project. .

First, a short film showing the fate and life path of the heroes of the work “Don’t be afraid” written by the young talent Javlon Jovliyev in a new and painful, new style and with a unique new tone was shown to the participants.

Also, the vice-rector of the university S. Nazarqasimov informed about the project “Mutolaa” and the purpose of this project. At the event, students watched the presentation of the project “Mutolaa” and the essence of the project, as well as the premiere of the film “Don’t be afraid”.

The students liked the short film shown, and at the end of the screening, they expressed their opinions and suggestions.