List of decrees and decisions
1 | On measures to improve the quality of pedagogical education and further develop the activities of higher educational institutions training pedagogic personnel | 21.06.2022y. PQ-289 | |
2 | On additional measures to improve the activities of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizomi | 21.06.2022y. PQ-290 |
1 | On the measures of fundamental improvement of the system of engineering personnel training for economic sectors based on innovation and digitization | 10.12.2021y. PQ-42 | |
2 | On measures to attract qualified specialists to budget organizations in remote areas | 11.01.2021y. PQ-4940 | |
3 | On the organization of the branch of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov in Tashkent | 01.07.2021y. PQ-5169 | |
4 | On measures to provide financial independence to state higher education institutions | 24.12.2021y. PQ-61 | |
5 | On additional measures to ensure academic and organizational-management independence of state higher education institutions | 24.12.2021y. PQ-60 | |
6 | Anti-corruption policy of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 5.03.2021y. OTMV-120 |
1 | On making partial changes to the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 10.02.2020 y. PQ-4593 | |
2 | On the establishment of the Karakalpakstan Medical Institute | 14.02.2020 y. PQ-4598 | |
3 | On measures to further develop the field of pedagogical education | 27.02.2020 y. PQ-4623 | |
4 | On the measures to fundamentally improve the personnel training system and increase the scientific potential in the field of oriental studies | 16.04.2020 y. PQ-4680 | |
5 | On measures to expand and further improve the system of highly qualified personnel training in Surkhandarya region | 17.04.2020 y. PQ-4681 | |
6 | On the measures of fundamental improvement of personnel training system in the field of transport | 04.05.2020 y. PQ-4703 | |
7 | On making partial changes to the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan | 10.02.2020 y.PQ-4593 | |
8 | On setting non-overtime days and moving weekends during the celebration of official dates in 2021 | 03.12.2020 y. PF-6122 | |
9 | On the system of selecting talented young people and measures to improve the activities of academic lyceums | 03.12.2020 y. PQ-4910 | |
10 | On the establishment of the Fergana Public Health Medical Institute | 03.12.2020 y. PQ-4911 |
1 | About making changes and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity | 10.01.2019 y.PF-5620 | |
2 | On additional measures to improve the educational quality control system | 16.01.2019 y.PQ-4119 | |
3 | On measures to increase the effectiveness of basic and applied research, training of personnel in the field of political science | 29.01.2019y.PQ-4139 | |
4 | On the establishment of the Tashkent branch of the Federal State Autonomous Higher Education Institution “Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation” | 11.02.2019y. PQ-4171 | |
5 | On amendments and additions to the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ-3755 dated May 30, 2018 “On measures to create a modern system of selection of promising management personnel on the basis of competition” | 20.02.2019 y. PQ-4200 | |
6 | About making changes and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity | 22.02.2019y.PF-5668 | |
7 | About the establishment of the center for the implementation of educational programs of Webster University in Tashkent | 20.03.2019 y.PQ-4245 | |
8 | On measures to fundamentally improve the state management system in the field of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry | 28.03.2019y.PF-5696 | |
9 | About establishment of Sharda University in Uzbekistan | 10.04.2019 y. PQ-4278 | |
10 | On the establishment of a branch of the federal state budget higher education institution “Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism” in Samarkand | 8.05.2019 y.PQ-4311 | |
11 | On additional measures to improve the system of admission to higher education institutions through tests | 14.05.2019 y. PQ-4319 | |
12 | About making changes and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity | 30.05.2019 y. PF-5733 | |
13 | On the establishment of a branch of the Federal State Budget Higher Education Institution “MEI National Research University” in Tashkent | 04.06.2019 y.PQ-4350 | |
14 | In Tashkent “D.I. On the establishment of a branch of the Federal state budget higher education institution “Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology” | 07.06.2019 y. PQ-4352 | |
15 | On measures to fundamentally improve the system of training qualified personnel in high demand at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek in 2019-2023 and to develop scientific potential | 17.06.2019 y. PQ-4358 | |
16 | On making changes and additions to some documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as considering some of them as having lost their validity | 05.07.2019y. PF-5759 | |
17 | On the management reform measures in the field of higher and secondary special education | 11.07.2019y. PF-5763 | |
18 | On measures to introduce new management principles into the system of higher and secondary special education | 11.07.2019y. PF-4391 | |
19 | About measures to further improve the activities of Tashkent State Agrarian University | 19.08.2019y. PQ-4421 | |
20 | On additional measures to further improve the professional education system | 05.09.2019y. PF-5812 | |
21 | On approval of the concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 | 08.10.2019 PF-5847 | |
22 | On the establishment of the Belarus-Uzbekistan joint interdisciplinary practical technical qualification institute in Tashkent | 20.11.2019y. PQ-4524 | |
23 | On measures to support research activities of the Institute of Nuclear Physics | 21.11.2019y. PQ-4526 | |
24 | About the measures to further improve the activity of the Uzbekistan-Japan Youth Innovation Center at the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov | 13.12.2019y. PQ-4550 |
1 | Umumiy o’rta, o‘rta maxsus va kasb-hunar ta’limi tizimini tubdan takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 25.01.2018y. PF-5313-son | |
2 | Respublika oliy ta’lim va ilmiy-tadqiqot muassasalari xodimlarining mehnatiga haq to’lash tizimini takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 05.04.2018y. PQ-3655-son | |
3 | Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xo’jaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari institutida oliy ma’lumotli kadrlar tayyorlash tizimini tubdan takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 08.05.2018y. PQ-3702-son | |
4 | Samarqand veterinariya meditsinasi institutini tashkil etish to’g’risida | 08.05.2018y. PQ-3703-son | |
5 | Toshkent davlat agrar universitetida oliy ma’lumotli kadrlar tayyorlash tizimini tubdan takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 08.05.2018y. PQ-3704-son | |
6 | Federal davlat avtonom oliy ta’lim muassasasi “Milliy texnologik tadqiqotlar universiteti MISiS”ning Olmaliq shahridagi filiali faoliyatini tashkil etish to’g’risida | 11.05.2018y. PQ-3714-son | |
7 | O’zbekiston jurnalistika va ommaviy kommunikatsiyalar universitetini tashkil etish to’g’risida | 24.05.2018y. PQ-3737-son | |
8 | 2018/2019 o’quv yilida O’zbekiston Respublikasining oliy ta’lim muassasalariga o’qishga qabul qilish to’g’risida | 04.06.2018y. PQ-3769-son | |
9 | Oliy ta’lim muassasalarida ta’lim sifatini oshirish va ularning mamlakatda amalga oshirilayotgan keng qamrovli islohotlarda faol ishtirokini ta’minlash bo’yicha qo’shimcha chora-tadbirlar to’g’risida | 05.06.2018y. PQ-3775-son | |
10 | Irrigatsiya va suv muammolari ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti faoliyatini takomillashtirish hamda Toshkent arxitektura-qurilish institutining moddiy-texnika bazasini mustahkamlash chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 20.06.2018y. PQ-3789-son | |
11 | Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti faoliyatini tubdan takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 21.06.2018y. PQ-3795-son | |
12 | “Ipak yo‘li” turizm xalqaro universitetini tashkil etish to’g’risida | 28.06.2018y. PQ-3815-son | |
13 | Toshkent shahrida Puchon universitetini tashkil etish to’g’risida | 02.07.2018y. PQ-3821-son | |
14 | Toshkent shahrida “MMFI milliy tadqiqot yadro universiteti” federal davlat avtonom oliy ta’lim muassasasining filialini tashkil etish va uning faoliyatini tashkillashtirish to’g’risida | 20.07.2018y. PQ-3875-son | |
15 | Fan va oliy ta’lim sohasi xodimlarining mehnat haqi miqdorini yanada oshirish, ilmiy va ilmiy-texnik faoliyat natijalari joriy etilishini davlat tomonidan qo’llab-quvvatlash chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 20.07.2018y. PQ-3876-son | |
16 | Toshkent shahrida Аdju universitetini tashkil etish to’g’risida | 30.11.2018y. PQ-4041-son |
1 | Mirzo Ulug’bek nomidagi O’zbekiston Milliy universiteti tarkibida “Taekvondo va sport faoliyati” fakultetini tashkil etish to’g’risida | 16.11.2017y. PQ-3390-son | |
2 | Toshkent to’qimachilik va yengil sanoat instituti huzurida Koreya Respublikasi Hukumatining beg’araz ko’magini jalb etgan holda O’quv-amaliy to’qimachilik texnoparkini tashkil etish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 07.02.2017y. PQ-2759-son | |
3 | Oliy o’quv yurtidan keyingi ta’lim tizimini yanada takomillashtirish to’g’risida | 16.02.2017y. PF-4958-son | |
4 | O’rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta’limi muassasalari faoliyatini yanada takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 14.03.2017y. PQ-2829-son | |
5 | Oliy ta’lim tizimini yanada rivojlantirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 20.04.2017y. PQ-2909-son | |
6 | Toshkent davlat yuridik universitetida kadrlar tayyorlash tizimini tubdan takomillashtirish va samaradorligini oshirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 28.04.2017y. PQ-2932-son | |
7 | 2017/2018 o’quv yilida O’zbekiston Respublikasining o’rta maxsus, kasb-hunar ta’limi muassasalariga o’qishga qabul qilish to’g’risida | 02.05.2017y. PQ-2941-son | |
8 | 2017/2018 o’quv yilida O’zbekiston Respublikasining oliy ta’lim muassasalariga o’qishga qabul qilish to’g’risida | 05.05.2017y. PQ-2955-son | |
9 | Islom Karimov nomidagi Toshkent davlat texnika universiteti Termiz filiali faoliyatini tashkil etish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 29.06.2017y. PQ-3101-son | |
10 | Oliy ma’lumotli mutaxassislar tayyorlash sifatini oshirishda iqtisodiyot sohalari va tarmoqlarining ishtirokini yanada kengaytirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 27.07.2017y. PQ-3151-son | |
11 | Oliy ta’lim muassasalarida pedagogika yo‘nalishida maxsus sirtqi bo’limlarni tashkil etish to’g’risida | 09.08.2017y. PQ-3183-son | |
12 | Pedagog kadrlarni tayyorlash, xalq ta’limi xodimlarini qayta tayyorlash va ularning malakasini oshirish tizimini yanada takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to’g’risida | 26.09.2017y. PQ-3289-son | |
13 | Oliy ta’lim muassasalariga kirish uchun nomzodlarni maqsadli tayyorlash tizimini yanada takomillashtirish to’g’risida | 26.09.2017y. PQ-3290-son | |
14 | Respublika oliy ta’lim muassasalari bakalavriatiga kirish test sinovlarini o’tkazish tartibini takomillashtirish to’g’risida | 16.11.2017y. PQ-3389-son |