Master’s degree department

There are 20 specialties in the department:
70110601 – Methodology of teaching exact and natural sciences (Mathematics) 70110602 – Information technologies in education 70110801 – Methodology of teaching exact and natural sciences (Chemistry) 70110901 – Methodology of teaching exact and natural sciences (Biology) 70111001 – Methodology of teaching exact and natural sciences (Geography) 70112201 – Theory and methodology of physical training and sports training70110401 – Special pedagogy, defectology (by specializations)
70110201 – Theory and methodology of education (preschool education)
70111101 – Methodology of teaching social and humanitarian sciences (History)
70110501 – Theory and methodology of education (Primary education)
70110101 – Theory and history of pedagogy (by types of activity)
70112101 – Methodology of teaching social and humanitarian sciences (Fundamentals of spirituality)
70111801 – Foreign language and literature (by language)
70111501 – Mother tongue and literature (By languages)
70111401 – Uzbek language and literature
70111301 – Music education and art
70110103 – Management of educational institutions
70112301 – Educational theory and methodology (technological education)
70110102 – Pedagogy and psychology
70110701 – Methodology of teaching exact and natural sciences (Physics and astronomy)

Head of the Master’s degree Department
Yarmatov Rakhimboy Bakhromovich
Activity: from August 2020 Phone: +99894 340 00 06 Email: Reception hours: Wednesday, Thursday 09:00–16:00
From the 2003-2004 academic year, the Master’s Department started working at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical
University and Master’s students were accepted in 5 fields.
5 A 140201 – Physics
5 A 140301 – Chemistry
5 A 140401 – Biology
5 A 140601 – History
5 A 141101 – Uzbek language
It is known that during the next 3 years, Jizzakh SPU will receive 4 master’s degrees for the 2017-2018 academic
year (methodology of teaching exact and natural sciences (mathematics, biology) – 8 people, theory and history
of pedagogy (by type of activity) – 4 people, social and humanities teaching methodology – 4, 16 in total, 82
graduate students in 13 specialties for the 2018-2019 academic year, 209 graduate students in 18 specialties for
the 2019-2020 academic year, 350 graduate students in 18 specialties for the 2020-2021 academic year , 921
graduate students were admitted to 20 majors for the academic year 2021-2022. Today, a total of 1,270 graduate
students are studying in the 1st-2nd year of 20 majors.
Under the leadership of 25 specialty departments, graduate students are conducting educational and scientific
research activities in these master’s majors. Currently, all professors teaching their specialties at the
Master’s Department are qualified teachers with scientific degrees and titles.

Oralov Anvar Abdumalikovich
Deputy dean for academic affairs
Phone: +998 94 577 65 14

Аchilov Sharif Samatovich
Deputy dean for academic affairs
Phone: +998 94 577 65 14

Dushaboev Husniddin Achilovich
Deputy dean for academic affairs
Phone: +998 94 579 69 05

Oralov Ghairat Anvar ogli
Deputy dean for academic affairs
Phone: +998 99 557 77 41

Kurbanov Islam Avaz ogli
Deputy dean for academic affairs
Phone: +998 97 295 95 65

Shertailakova Gulnoza Bazarovna
Manager (methodologist)
Phone: +998 99 181 75 77

Normatov Hasan Israil ogli
Manager (methodologist)
Phone: +998 94 341 01 46

Buzanov Nodirbek Pardaboy ogli
Manager (methodologist)
Phone: +998 88 522 88 66

Karimov Sardar Abdujalil ogli
Manager (methodologist)
Phone: +998 99 344 50 40

Sharopova Marjona Kamal kizi
Manager (methodologist)
Phone: +99891 404 83 96
During the completion of the master’s theses, the master’s degree students were required to publish two
scientific articles, two theses at national or international scientific conferences, and to participate in
scientific seminars. Currently, we can observe that 65% of the master’s theses have been completed by our
graduate students based on these requirements.

Including special pedagogy, defectology: 2nd year graduate students of speech therapy specialty Yunusov
Mirsaid (August 7-13, 2020), Haqberdiev Jamoliddin (May 7-13, 2020), Rizaeva Shalolarin (April 7-13, June,
August 2020). Their articles were published in Impact Factor scientific research magazine.
– Methodology of teaching exact and natural sciences (geography) 2nd year master’s student Dzhorakhujaev
Davronkhoja on the topic “Organization of farming in small areas using innovative technologies” (the example
of Okdarya district) (International Scientific Journal “Global Science And Innovations 2020: Central Asia»
Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, February-March 2020);
– 2nd year master’s students Tugalov Bobur and Bazarbaev Sanjar of the teaching methodology of social and
humanitarian sciences (history) on the topic “The beginning of the study of historical monuments in
Ustrushona during the Russian colonial period”, (“Studentsky vestnik” magazine 11.12.2020);
– teaching manual “Using the intellectual game “Talent-show” in secondary schools” (in the case of history)
authored by Fatima Jumanazarova was published, a 2nd-year master’s student of the teaching methodology of
social and humanitarian sciences (history) and professor F.A. Akhmedshina.
The monograph entitled “Innovative technologies to improve the activity of primary school students” was
published under the co-authorship of professors Kh. A. Torakulov and I. Kh. Torakulova (2020).
Also, Zulhumor Mamarasulzoda, a 2nd-year master’s student of music education and art, was awarded the
“Shuhrat” medal, and Sadullaeva Farangiz was awarded the “Excellence of Public Education” badge by the
Ministry of Public Education on March 5, 2020. Nomozov Begzod, a 2nd-year master’s student in the
methodology of teaching social and humanitarian sciences (history), was awarded with the “Mehr sakhavat”
badge, established according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 26, 2020.
Under the guidance of Hazratkulov Sardar, a 2nd-year master’s student in the theory and methodology of
physical education and sports training, the girls’ team of the university “Sogdiyona” successfully completed
the 2nd round of the Uzbekistan basketball championship with 100% results.
Ilkhomova Mohinur, a 2nd-year master’s student in the theory and methodology of education and upbringing
(preschool education), is a participant of the Republican stage of the competition “Educator of the Year”
organized by the Ministry of Preschool Education, and “LEGO” kindergarten in the city of Jizzakh,
established on her own initiative. She is conducting research for her master’s thesis in the “SAD” preschool
educational organization.
In order to further improve the work done by the master’s department, the work is continued according to the
plan in cooperation with the management of the university and specialized departments.