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A poetry evening called “Jizzakh Evenings” was held as part of the “Book Week”.

April 7 – the last day of the week was attended by representatives of the Jizzakh regional branch of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh city garrison, professors and students of the Faculty of Music and Culture, as well as employees of the information resource center.

Deputy director of the event information resource centerM. Bobonazarova made an opening speech and noted that all the professors and teachers of the university and students of the faculties actively participated during the week and encouraged ARM readers to use the library regularly and pay more attention to reading books. Then, the head of the Jizzakh regional branch of the Union of Writers, M. Abdurahmonova, started the evening of poetry called “Jizzakh evenings”. In the evening, the young artists of the region presented their works.

After that, M. Abdurahmonova, the head of the Jizzakh regional branch of the Writers’ Union, who actively participated in the reading events held during the week, and the winning teams and students in the reading competition were awarded with souvenirs by the IRC administration.   At the end of the event, a musical program prepared by the military orchestra of the Jizzakh garrison and the teachers and students of the Faculty of Music and Culture was presented to the participants.