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A seminar-training was held within the framework of international cooperation with JSPU and the British Council.

International seminar training was held at the Jizzakh State Pedagogical University in the framework of cooperation with the British Council, which was initiated by the professors and teachers of the Department of English Language Theory and Practice of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. British Council officials Andrey Maksakov, Amirsaid Sadikov, British international expert on IELTS, CEFR and APTIS exam assessment Aidan Holland visited the university and conducted a seminar-training on the tasks and evaluation system in foreign language proficiency tests for the teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, master’s and bachelor’s students . The seminar was very lively with various interactive questions and answers, tasks related to language skills, lively discussions. In it, teachers and students received useful recommendations and instructions and answers to their questions. At the end of the seminar, each participant was awarded a “welcome bag” by the British Council. In addition, guests and organizers of the event met with JDPU rector Sh.S. Sharipov and discussed the prospective plans to be implemented in the future, and plans to further strengthen cooperation and implement more mutually beneficial projects were agreed upon.