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Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan On the approval of the list of hard work and work in harmful or dangerous working conditions, where the use of the labor of persons under the age of eighteen is prohibited   In accordance with Article 354 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as in heavy work and work in harmful and dangerous working conditions In order to prevent the employment of persons under the age of eight and persons unfit for such work, the Cabinet of Ministers decides:
  1. Article 354 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
Prohibition of using the labor of persons under the age of eighteen in heavy work and work in harmful and dangerous working conditions, as well as persons unfit for such work; It should be noted that the Cabinet of Ministers approves the list of hard work and work in harmful or dangerous working conditions where the labor of persons under the age of eighteen is prohibited.
  1. The list of hard work and work in harmful or dangerous working conditions, where the use of the labor of persons under the age of eighteen is prohibited, should be approved in accordance with the appendix.
  2. Let the Ministry of Poverty Alleviation and Employment of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with interested ministries and agencies, harmonize the normative legal documents they have adopted with this decision within three months.
  3. Monitoring of the implementation of this decision is carried out by the Minister of Poverty Alleviation and Employment of the Republic of Uzbekistan B.A. Let Musaev be responsible.
  Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. ARIPOV Toshkent c., July 14, 2023, No. 290       The list of hard work and work in harmful or dangerous working conditions prohibited by the government decision (No. 290, 14.07.2023)tasdiqlandi. According to the list, it is prohibited to use the labor of persons under the age of 18 in the following works, including: — Coal beneficiation operator; — Apparatus for the production of precious metals; — Underground mine worker; — Standardizing concentrates containing diamonds; — Supervisor of production of ferrous metals; — Grinding of diamonds and very hard materials; — Plumber for repair of heating network equipment; — Oil and gas extraction operator; — Gas distribution station operator; — Dispenser of medical preparations; — Manufacturer of medical products; — Welder in high-frequency current devices; — Gypsum heater; — Asphalt concrete worker; — Baker; — Dough proofer; — Cutter of meat products; — Ice cream maker; — Painting; — Passenger train mechanic-brigadier; — Medical officer on duty at emergency medical stations.