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The importance of the foreign language in our country

Hamraqulova Gulandom Sodiq qizi Teacher, Jizzakh State Pegagogical institute In today’s fast-paced world, science and technology are also growing rapidly. Development in every field is moving forward. In particular, great changes are taking place in science. Delivering each subject to students using new innovative pedagogical technologies is one of the main requirements of today’s education. Especially after the adoption of the Resolution of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganievich Karimov dated December 13, 2012 No. PP 1875, the attention to teaching and learning foreign languages ​​in our country has increased. In accordance with the State Program “Year of Youth Support and Public Health”, by the President  Shavkat Mirziyoyev the development of foreign language teaching as a priority of education policy, radically improve the quality of education in this area, attract qualified teachers and In order to increase the population’s interest in learning foreign languages. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a video conference on May 6 on measures to improve the system of foreign language teaching. Every year in our country, several areas of science are selected and developed with special attention. This year, physics and foreign languages have been identified as such priority areas. Uzbekistan’s policy of openness, active entry into the world market, expanding international cooperation in all areas increase the need for knowledge of foreign languages. Today, 25 higher education institutions in the country teach in foreign languages. In 2016, they were only 7. The number of graduates who have received an international language certificate has increased 10 times in the last 3 years. This year, the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation has awarded scholarships to 350 students to study at prestigious foreign universities. That’s five times more than in previous years. A new stage, a new era in the teaching of foreign languages ​​has begun in our country. The use of advanced pedagogical technologies, interactive, innovative methods, communication and media is required in the process of teaching foreign language lessons. New methods and requirements for teaching foreign languages ​​in the country have been developed in accordance with the Recommendations of the European Framework for Assessment of Knowledge and Skills of Foreign Language Teachers (CEFR). According to him, textbooks have been created for students of secondary schools and vocational colleges. In accordance with these requirements, classrooms are equipped with stands and new information and communication technologies. The demand for learning a foreign language is growing day by day. Science foreign language is divided into four aspects (reading, reading, listening comprehension and speaking), each of which provides specific concepts and skills. Educational technology is the effective use of modern information technology in the educational process. It also aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of education through the introduction of modern innovative technologies in the educational process. In particular, there are several advantages to using such information and communication technologies in learning a foreign language. The role of modern technology in language learning and teaching is invaluable. The use of technology is useful in every aspect of learning a foreign language (reading, reading, listening and speaking). For example, to listen and understand, of course, it is impossible to do this process without a computer, player, CDs. Listening is one of the most important parts of language learning. This requires the student to pay attention to the speaker’s pronunciation, grammatical rules, vocabulary, and meanings at the same time. The use of modern technologies in the educational process is also an important factor for students to be familiar with and use information and communication technologies. One of the most effective ways is to teach and learn a foreign language using modern technology. In this process, including: – when using computers, the student can watch and listen to videos, demonstrations, dialogues, movies or cartoons in a foreign language; – It is possible to listen and watch radio broadcasts in foreign languages ​​and TV programs; – use of tape recorders and cassettes, which are more traditional methods; – CD players are available. The use of these tools will make the process of learning a foreign language more interesting and effective for students. In the process of globalization, it is hard to imagine our lives without the internet. It is one of the most effective ways to learn and use a foreign language. You will be able to communicate with foreign speakers through the Internet. Writing exercises can be improved by writing a letter via e-mail. The most important issue is the introduction of modern communication technologies in the educational process, their purposeful and correct, effective use, through which to increase the interest of students in a foreign language, to increase the effectiveness of teaching. This will allow for the use of innovative educational technologies and increase demand. There are several types of innovative educational technologies available today. When they are used extensively and in a variety of ways to cover a topic in class, the effectiveness of the lesson is high and the interest of the students in the lesson is increased. It aims to increase the effectiveness of education by bringing innovations into the educational process and implementing them. The use of a variety of role-playing, action games in foreign language teaching increases both interest in the lesson and language learning. By working in pairs or small groups, it helps students communicate with others. The use of graphic organizers in the educational process is one of the most important visits in the coverage of the topic and its delivery to students. It is also possible to use several different graphic organizers to illuminate a topic. These are also easy to remember when given by graphic organizers. The use of different tables in the process of teaching a foreign language is also very effective. Using tables in the learning process, students can follow a specific grammatical rule, such as composing sentences using tenses and placing new words. At a time when the need for learning a foreign language is high, the effective use of modern information technologies, innovative educational technologies in the educational process makes this process more effective. The effectiveness of innovative educational technologies lies in their correct and effective use in the educational process.     Used literature
  1. UZA National News Agency of Uzbekistan
  2. Hamraqulova “Methods of language learning in physical activity”
  3. Xamrayeva “The importance of English language”
  4. Internet resources