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Sherboyeva Nodira-teacher of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University Annotation: This article examines the importance of protecting young people from information attacks and the formation of psychological immunity in the process, so that each age is able to understand the essence of a particular skill and knowledge, both religious and secular sciences. Keywords: information attacks, psychological immunity, psychology of religion, globalization process, information weapon, family, education, psychological protection, information psychological security.   It is known that at present, many ideological attacks and alien ideas have entered the life of our country in different ways, not leaving their negative impact on the processes of educating our youth in every possible way spiritually mature. This, in turn, indicates that the study of these situations, psychological analysis, the search for factors and means of protecting young people from various ideological threats, the influence of alien ideas are more important than ever. Based on this, the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said in his speech at the conference on “ensuring social stability, preserving the purity of our sacred religion – the demand of the era”, “thinking about how many young people are flying to fake scams today and enjoying their lives, or rather, going out without sleeping all night. Tell yourself, dear brothers this bitter truth should not be pierced by a wedge into our heart? After all, only yesterday were these young people, our own black eyes, one of us’s neighbourhood, one of us’s son, one of us’s daughter or nephew. When did they get lost, when the inaudible broke into the road. Why did we stay in the ghosting? When, where did we make a mistake? When did our children pass into the hands of strangers? What a demon struck-they became their parents, the enemy of their land. Today it will be late tomorrow if we do not prevent such a terrible scourge and do not mobilize all our efforts for this”. It should be noted separately that most yot those who are given ideas in their activities will definitely prepare for the implementation of various mischief. In order to strengthen the belief that psychological processing and the ideas being promoted in the process of preparing members are correct, the martyrdom acts committed to them, the discs with video recordings of terrorist acts are put together with quotes from the Qur’an on the correctness of these actions. During the preparation period, drugs and Psychotropic agents can sometimes also be used. Judging by our observations, those who gave in to different alien ideas did not have a special character, lived in our row, but on the basis of their own impermanence, Mirziyoev Sh. M. from his speech at the conference on” ensuring social stability, preserving the purity of our sacred religion – the requirement of the era”, it is this aspect that determines the content of their movement. No matter what gender, nationality they belong to, he is still the owner of destructive behavior. Their common features are the inability to manifest themselves in life due to the fact that the feeling of intransigence, fear interferes. Therefore, when a terrorist attack or alien is instilling ideas in young people, they behave as if they are brave, noble, do not return from anything on the path of truth, all difficulties do not matter to them. And in Real life they are timid, constantly worried about their actions, which indicates the presence of shortcomings in their personality. Usually radical (religious-extremist and terrorist) organizations are joined by persons who have experienced certain difficulties in relation to existing social structures, children of incomplete families, relatives of people temporarily unemployed or unable to get a job at all or prone to committing criminal acts, close acquaintances. Therefore, it is important to ensure that parents in the neighborhood and family occupy such young people with work or some socially useful activity in order to prevent falling under the influence of alien ideas among young people. Psychological knowledge shows that the external environment and the inner world of a person are closely related, and this process is in some way the main factor that determines the behavior and character of a person. From this, it is important for young people who need psychological help in the process of self-realization to have a person next to them who will recognize him, advise him, be able to make the right decision for him. In self-realization, a person shows the ability to receive education, expand his worldview, receive various information and materials, master a new life experience, in the end, the qualities of the corresponding person are formed. A person changes, transforms, and this process is required by him to consciously feel, control himself. The composition of members of terrorist organizations, groups of people assigned to alien ideas also consists mainly of paranoids in an aggressive mood. They are individuals who often seek the cause of their failures from external factors (with a locus of external control). Usually for most destructive groups, there will be a common enemy embodiment, which is considered as the cause of all the internal problems of the group. Satan, a certain person, government or other religious-radical organizations can serve as an emblem. In this, a person places some people among his friends, some among his enemies, and this – manifests itself as a feeling of need, self-defense. It is known that a person does not suddenly become a member of an extremist group. Before becoming a member of the group, a feeling of apathy may appear in him, indifference to events taking place around him, while the possibility of experiencing various forms of social reflection (disadaptation)is observed in a person. Communicating with an associative, destructive group, equating oneself to its members leads to the formation of social roles in it, albeit of a negative, negative character. Voluntarily with the group, it is almost impossible to break ties at once – this is psychologically the same as killing oneself, losing one’s self. Because the level of self-assessment of the person involved in the group was previously so low that the position of the re-formed does not at all want to lose his identity. Not all members of the destructive group will be fierce, authoritarian people. When accepted into a group, a mechanism arises in them to protect against the feeling of fear. Hamla, made in relation to the group, is perceived in the same way as the aggression shown to him. Any influence shown from the outside, due to the strong absorption of Group ideology into the minds of members, strengthens their Jeep, solidarity. Therefore, when conducting an information struggle against such groups, it is advisable to assume this factor. Research and observations have shown the need for work to be carried out in the following areas to prevent young people from succumbing to alien ideas: – Organization of round tables, conferences, seminars on the problem of the negative impact of religious-extremist groups on educational institutions, organizations, institutions of civil societies and the population with the participation of specialists in various fields; – Organization of competent expert structures, consisting of qualified specialists, who can give reasonable conclusions about the degree of socio-psychological danger (safety) of a particular ideology, doctrine, current or organization; – in the process of teaching Social Sciences in educational institutions in the family, the main attention is paid to the development of critical thinking in students, as well as the provision of information and psychological security in them, the formation of psychological defense mechanisms. So, due to the fact that today the protection of young people from the influence of destructive, religious-extremist groups, destructive ideas is a matter at the level of public policy, it is important not to slow down the work in this direction, to conduct consistently and systematically, to educate young people in the spirit of patriotism, to form ideological immunity, a culture LIST OF USED LITERATURE
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