- Weekly lesson plan teemed with activities should be explained and presented to the students,
- Provide time to students to think, understand, and perform activities effectively with their competence level,
- Teachers should be sincere in delivering their work efficiently, keeping in mind primarily the development of students,
- Teachers should share interesting facts and relevant information about all prescribed subjects in the classroom,
- Teachers play a pivotal role in creating and stimulating interest among students to have healthy and contextualized discussion from different angles, and
- Teachers should think of practical activities that should be filled with humor and creativity (Allwright, 1984)[1].
Applying Innovative Teaching Methods in a Second Language Classroom
Akmal Xamzaev Amirovich, teacher of the chair of foreign languages among the social and humanitarian sciences, Jizzakh State pedagogical institute E-mail address: akmalx1970@gmail.com
Almat Abdullayev Raxmonovich, teacher of the chair of foreign languages among the social and humanitarian sciences, Jizzakh State pedagogical institute
E-mail address: almat.abdullaev1977@mail.ru
Abstract: This article deals with the level of using creative teaching methodologies in second language classroom as studied by the researcher. A series of qualitative methods such as using newspaper, media, movies, interpreting advertisements can be employed in the classroom in order to develop students’ second language learning ability.
The article focuses on how teaching methodologies should be modified and used in the classroom appropriately by understanding the learning capacity of students , their learning interest in the classroom and the use of creative teaching methodologies in the second language classroom .
Keywords: teaching methodology, innovation, developing confidence, anxiety-free environment ,second language learning, intrinsic motivation, an experimental approach , language implicitly, language acquisition, congenial atmosphere
Ikkinchi til darslarida o’qitishning innovatsion usullarini qo’llash
Annotatsiya:Ushbu maqola tadqiqotchi tomonidan o’rganilgan ikkinchi til sinfida ijodiy o’qitish metodikasidan foydalanish darajasiga bag’ishlangan. O’quvchilarning ikkinchi tilni o’rganish qobiliyatini rivojlantirish uchun sinfda gazeta, ommaviy axborot vositalari, filmlardan foydalanish, reklamalarni tarjima qilish kabi bir qator sifatli usullardan foydalanish mumkin. Maqolada asosiy e’tibor o’quvchilarning o’rganish qobiliyatini, ularning sinfda o’rganishga bo’lgan qiziqishini va ikkinchi til sinfida ijodiy o’qitish metodikasidan foydalanishni tushunish orqali o’qitish metodikasini qanday o’zgartirish va sinfda to’g’ri qo’llash kerakligiga qaratilgan.
Kalit so’zlar:o’qitish meodikasi,innovatsiya,ishonchni rivojlantirish,tashvishsiz muhit,ikkinchi tilni o’rganish,ichki motivatsiya,eksperimental yondashuv,tilni bilvosita o’zlashtirish,tilni o’zlashtirish,qulay muhit
During the years of independence deep structural and substantial reforms and transformations in the system of higher education has taken place in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Main purpose of these reforms was to provide the adequate place of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the world community. Indeed, it was impossible to provide the independent economy, social and political stability, and development of intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation without rebuilding the system of education and upbringing. The state policy in the field of education that could transform it into the priority sphere has been developed and conducted.
English has become an important language in the world. Teachers from second language learning countries are creating innovative methodologies to teach the language in the classroom effectively. To substantiate the statement, Pollock (2007) stated that teachers now rejoice multiplicity and open the doors of public schools to all children, despite their culture, socio-economic status or ability. As classroom set-ups have been changed, curriculum has been expanded to meet all students’ needs and teachers are striving to help their students in their classroom to learn and develop their language learning process. Pollock (2007) believed that in order to be successful teachers, they need to incorporate different learning tools keeping in mind the effective teaching methods that are already in use[17].
Materials and methods
Acquiring English language has become a predominant factor for a nations’ development as well as an individual’s development. To improve the communicative skills of the learners, innovative teaching methodologies should be used or introduced to make the learning process interesting. Creativity is a prime factor of any student to develop her/ her lateral thinking in terms of learning a language. An English learning classroom should be created using interesting teaching methodologies to mesmerize and encourage students to learn the second language explicitly and implicitly.
The research paper focuses on the use of creative teaching methodologies in the second language classroom that was observed by the researcher who has one and half decade of teaching experience as English teacher. Using newspaper, clipping from movies, advertisements, and innovative tasks can be used to develop the learning competency of the learners. Ingrarson (2003) [9]pointed out that there are no short cuts to educational improvement. Hence it is important to use relevant and required teaching methods by evaluating students’ level of understanding in learning English as a second language.
The teacher should possess some of the qualities while teaching his/her students. The teacher’s personality, attitude, dexterously handling teaching materials, knack in answering students’ questions, and ability to teach by using techniques instill interest among students. Traditional methods cannot be written off from the classroom at any point of time, but including some of the interesting and innovating teaching methodologies will make students to be focused on the learning process. Cognitive development teachings can be done in the class through tasks like Sandblot task, newspaper task, advertisement tasks etc., to develop their problem solving ability and lateral thinking skills, otherwise students’ individuality and their learning capacity might not be evaluated by the facilitator. DeKeyser (1998)[7] emphasized that the practice of using tasks would go beyond behavior and include various engaging activities that emphasize form-meaning, mappings for day-today communication.
Teaching materials, teaching techniques should be updated to the interest of the second language learners. Innovative methodologies like use of games, role play, reading newspaper, watching TV, referring to dictionary etc., should be used as tools in the classroom. Skill based learning, knowledge based learning are essential for the growth and development of students. Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition has influenced the development of integrated institution in the classroom at all levels. Krashen (1981)[10] suggests that second language is the most successfully acquired one when the conditions are similar to those present in first language acquisition: that is, when the focus of instruction is on meaning rather than on form; when language input is at or just above the proficiency of the learner; and when there is sufficient opportunity to engage in meaningful use of that language in a relatively anxiety-free environment. This suggests that the focus of learning second language should improve employability skills of the learners.
Learning English is always a difficult process to most of the second language learners. Innovative ideas, interesting teaching materials, practicing and drilling learners for learning the second language should be done through infotainment ways. Students, especially from rural background, find it very difficult to read, write, and speak English even though they studied English as a second language from class I to class XII. These students do not have enough exposure to develop or correct their English extensively. To such students, teachers’ role is predominant and teacher should use innovative teaching to make her students develop the second language learning process gradually.
Language can be learnt only through practice. Practical knowledge of learning a language is an experimental approach for second language learners. Such learners should experiment their knowledge by communicating with others confidently. Their errors can be rectified or pruned through this practice. Teachers should develop students’ confidence, independence, interest, and aid them to realize that their first language knowledge repository would be helpful to learn the second language confidently.
Teachers should discover activities and tasks that are filled with edutainment. Introducing various tasks would help learners to understand the use of language in real-life situations by engaging them in doing many activities in the classroom.
In the present age, students’ acquisition of a language is measured in terms of their ability to communicate in the language rather than examining their grammatical skills. Many educational institutions have taken an extreme step by including a network of computers and related software, cassette players, and slide projectors as a part of English learning process. English plays an important place in every student’s life directly or indirectly. Though, chalk and board method is unbeatable, using technological tools in the process of learning English benefits learners
voluminously. No more English is considered as a subject by learners, but it is considered as a language by students,thanks to globalization. Crystal (2004)[6] in the preface to his work, Language and the Internet mentions:
An emphasis, which formerly was on technology, has shifted to be on people and purposes. And as the Internet comes increasingly to be viewed from a social perspective, so the role of language becomes central. Indeed, notwithstanding the remarkable technological achievements and the visual panache of screen presentation, what is immediately obvious when engaging in any of the Internet’s
functions is its linguistic character. If the Internet is a revolution, therefore, it is likely to be a linguistic revolution (p.viii).
At present, multimedia lab is quite attractive and instilling the interest of learning the language. The difference between a normal language lab and a multimedia lab is that the former provides audio equipment through which learners can listen to the tapes, record their voices, and communicate with the teacher, while the latter operates as a multifunction tool through which students can either listen to the tapes, watch videos and different TV channels, access internet or communicate with one another while the teacher can operate technical equipment to group or to pair students, and hold discussions within the class.
Motivation and self-confidence are personality traits which would help students in acquiring a language successfully.
They are helpful to develop oneself on the language acquiring process. Self-confidence is a powerful motivation process in acquiring a language especially a second language. The motivation is of two types: extrinsic and intrinsic motivations. Extrinsic motivation is a goal achievement oriented. A learner learns a language in order to get a job, or to get a degree, this mode of motivation is extrinsic motivation. Motivation and exposure to the language would make learners to learn the language. Teachers should motivate students and provide situation to develop self-confidence among them.
Every classroom is an important place to impart knowledge where teachers and students are collaborators. J. Richards (2001) expresses that ‘Learners roles in an instructional system are closely linked to the teacher’s status and function’ (p.28)[18]. Teachers should think of new and varied activities to empower students to face many real challenges in their future life. Such activities make students to think and react proactively, innovatively and confidently. Performing the activities in the classroom will make students to have authorship over themselves and develop good rapport with teachers and fellow students. Classroom is a space especially means for learners and ‘sensible’ talking of students should be encouraged. Breen and Cadlin (1980)[5] describe the learner’s role in the following terms:
The role of learner as negotiator interacts with the role of joint negotiator within the group and within the classroom procedures and activities which the group undertakes. The implication for the learner is that he should contribute as much as he gains, and thereby learn in an interdependent way (p.110)
Learners’ autonomy is an appreciable act and teachers should understand their students’ strength and weakness in learning English as a language rather than a subject. A few prospects can be identified and implemented for a better learning atmosphere. They are: