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Give the world to the children..

This is the name of the event held at JSPU. Event Faculty of Preschool Education. It was organized by the “Methodology of preschool education” department on the occasion of June 1 – the International Day of Children’s Protection. Children… They are our future, the successors of the good works we started, the light of our eyes, the light of our hearts. With them, our life is prosperous, our hearts are bright. That’s why we are ready to give everything to make our children happy. Students of the 1st-2nd year of preschool education and students of the 32nd DMTT took an active part in the event organized on the occasion of June 1 – International Day of Children’s Protection. At the event, which was organized in order to share joy and happiness with children, performances of various fairy-tale heroes, stage performances and songs inviting them to dance were performed.