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130th anniversary of A. Qadiri’s birth. A commemorative evening was held at the university named after the writer.

On April 10, 2024, it has been 130 year to the birth of Abdulla Qadiri, the founder of the Uzbek novel school.In connection with the date, the Uzbek language and literature faculty organized an artistic commemorative party at the university’s palace of culture. First, information was given about Abdulla Qadiri’s first works, published newspapers and magazines, his first books, works translated into other languages at the event organized on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Abdulla Qadiri, a great writer, the founder of Uzbek novel, who made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek literature and culture.

After that, there was a scene about the last days of the writer, staged by the theater of talented students. His poems were recited. Questions and answers were held based on his works.