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An international student education forum was held.

On April 23, 2024, the International Youth Education Student Forum organized by the Nesvij deanery of the Slutsk-Soligorsk diocese was held in the palace complex of the state institution “Nesvij National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve”. Mukhlisa Juraeva and Bobur Ernazarov, 3rd-year students studying at BSPU Faculty of Social and Pedagogical Technologies under the 3+1 program of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, demonstrated their talents in the artistic part of the international student forum. The poems of the Uzbek folk poet Nizami in the composition “Uzbekistanim” were submitted to the judges by the students. Students Maftun Anarboyeva, Umida Zarifova, Inoyat Rozieva and Asadbek Kholmukhammatov worked on the video program of the composition.

The event took place in an environment of mutual understanding and cooperation in the space of intercultural education.