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Congratulations Gulbahor Obidovna!

As we previously reported, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on awarding on the occasion of March 8 – International Women’s Day: Rasulova Gulbahor Obidovna, JSPU preventive inspector for women and girls issues and Senior Inspector for Women’s Issues, Crime Prevention Group, 2nd Internal Affairs Department of Jizzakh City Internal Affairs Department was awarded the “For Loyal Services” medal and the “For Immaculate Services” badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Today, as a continuation of this joy, Rector Sh. Sharipov solemnly handed over the gifts prepared by the committee of trade unions of the university.

“This high evaluation given to your activity not only inspires us to new labor victories, but also increases our responsibility to our students in the future. The high appreciation of your services is a great honor and great joy for us, says Rector of the university Sh. Sharipov