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The amount of tuition fee for foreign students

Amount of one-year tuition fee for one student at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University for foreign citizens starting from the 2023/2024 academic year

# Form of education Type of foreign citizens Type of payment for the tuition fee amount In the amount of the minimum paid wage (sums)
1 Bachelor (full-time) Foreign citizens Studying on the basis of a payment contract (without a scholarship) 23 (21.160.000)
2 Bachelor (full-time) Foreign citizens who have a permanent residence permit in the Republic Studying on the basis of a payment contract (without a scholarship) 20 (18.400.000)
3 Master’s Foreign citizens Studying on the basis of a payment contract (without a scholarship) 25 (23.000.000)
4 Master’s Foreign citizens who have a permanent residence permit in the Republic Studying on the basis of a payment contract (without a scholarship) 22 (20.240.000)
5 Bachelor (part-time) Foreign citizens Studying on the basis of a payment contract (without a scholarship) 20 (18.400.000)
6 Bachelor (part-time) Foreign citizens who have a permanent residence permit in the Republic Studying on the basis of a payment contract (without a scholarship) 17 (15.640.000)