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Professor Azamat Akbarov, CEO & Founder of Silk Road Research Academy, visited the university. Professor Azamat Akbarov spoke about the goals of his visit during the meeting with the Rector of the university Sh.S. Sharipov. The purpose of the visit was to learn the most advanced experience of developed foreign countries by establishing mutual cooperation, and based on the university’s demand for specialists, study plans, science programs, educational literature, including educational-methodical complexes based on international standards, modern, Issues such as the development and phased implementation of completely new requirements were discussed in mutual cooperation. The parties discussed the future plans of mutual cooperation. In the process of mutual communication, to carry out and apply scientific-research works based on modern information and communication technologies in the educational areas of the university, to hold conferences, forums, symposiums and seminars in cooperation, to create conditions for university teachers to conduct practical research in the center, to conduct scientific-research activities carried out by professors and teachers. cooperation in the commercialization of researches, at the same time, it was agreed to organize a separate cooperation with each direction by studying the suggestions and comments. After discussions, university rector Sh.S. Sharipov and professor Azamat Akbarov signed a Cooperation Agreement.