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 Abstract: In this article, protection of the rights and legal interests of women in the society of Uzbekistan, increasing their economic, social and political activity, providing vocational training and employment, wide involvement in entrepreneurship, social support of needy women, ensuring gender equality the ongoing reforms are highlighted. Keywords: priority of human interests, healthy and happy life, respect for women, women’s activism, women’s role in parliament, interest-free education loans, family business, gender equality   At the beginning of the 21st century, the human phenomenon in the world, in particular, women, is being exaggerated against the background of huge social changes. As an active layer of society, they are active in scientific research, medical and educational institutions, industrial enterprises, farms, small business entities, entrepreneurship, sports, let’s say, in all spheres, their role in family, state and society management is increasing. The following are the general axiological aspects of women’s activism today: first, the main values ​​they aim for in their lives are family, self-control, self-management and self-awareness, a unity of spiritual and social aspects; secondly, the contours in them, that is acquisition, organization, negotiation and calculation; thirdly, their activity is completely subject to the principles of rationalization and expansion of their activity; fourth, characteristics such as diligence, frugality and humanity become components of practical activity. In the process of women’s self-organization, order, self-movement, self-development, self-management, self-creation, transition from chaos to order, and stability occur.. The goal of the wide-scale reforms being carried out in New Uzbekistan is one thing – all the changes are aimed at ensuring a person, his interests and a happy life. In this respect, the broad involvement of women in state and community management, social, economic and cultural life has risen to the level of state policy. In order to implement the idea of ​​”honoring a woman – a criterion of goodness and justice”, ensuring the legal rights and interests of women, who make up about half of our population, increasing the role and prestige of women in society, realizing their talents and abilities, protecting motherhood and childhood, are part of the state policy. was placed in the center” . In Uzbekistan, the policy aimed at supporting women on a large scale, expanding their participation in state and community management, and ensuring their healthy and happy life is implemented in the following directions: Protecting the rights and legal interests of women, increasing their role and activity in the social and political life of the country. Equality of all citizens before the law and the right to equal protection by the law is a characteristic of a democratic state. The legal basis of the policy in the field of ensuring the rights and legal interests of women and girls is the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It stipulates that all citizens have the same rights and freedoms and are equal before the law, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, belief, personality and social status. Article 46 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan embodies the norm that women and men have equal rights. Today, 28 legislative documents (including 5 laws, 7 decrees and decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 16 decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers) have been developed on the protection of women’s rights and legal interests. To date, more than 10 of them have been accepted and focused on implementation. In 2020, Uzbekistan adopted 15 regulatory legal documents aimed at increasing the role of women in the government and society, ensuring their employment, developing women’s entrepreneurship and supporting women in need, the share of women in management positions increased to 26.6%. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to improve the system of working with family and women, supporting the neighborhood and religious people”, the decision “On organizing the activities of the State Committee for Family and Women”, The decree “On measures to further accelerate work on the systematic support of family and women” establishes the main directions of the unified state policy in the field of supporting women, protecting their rights and legal interests, and a new mechanism for working with women. that is, it created an opportunity for qualitative changes in the practice of working with women in the neighborhoods in a targeted and targeted manner. In particular, with the Decree No. 87 of March 7, 2022 “On measures to further accelerate the work on systematic support of families and women”, 42 privileges and opportunities for women were determined, 17 mln. In order to study the problems of more women and have a complete database, the platform was created to create a “Balance of Women” that includes 7 departments, 17 directions and 138 data bases. With this decree, the National Program for increasing the activity of women in all aspects of the country’s economic, political and social life in 2022-2026 was developed. In the implementation of the national program, the following main tasks were defined: improvement of the regulatory legal framework for all-round support of women; implementation of comprehensive measures aimed at achieving gender equality, increasing socio-economic and political activity of women; creating additional conditions for women’s education and involving them widely in the field of science; to strengthen the health of women and girls, to strengthen measures to protect motherhood and childhood; prevention of abusive and violent situations between women and girls, as well as human trafficking; to further strengthen the protection of the interests of women who are detained in a penal institution, who have gone abroad, and who are working in the private sector in state and community organizations, from socio-economic economic jitters; better management of comprehensive support measures for women in need of social protection; honoring enlightened mothers, using their knowledge and rich life experience to strengthen families, raising girls’ education and spiritual outlook, as well as creating conditions for their cultural recreation; to strengthen the institution of the family, to ensure the stability of a healthy and spiritual environment in families by promoting universal and national values; early prevention of crime and violations among women, taking measures to increase their sense of involvement in legal culture and large-scale reforms implemented in our country.  The State Committee for Family and Women, a large public organization that protects the rights and interests of women, has about 41 primary organizations throughout the country. The elected leaders of the regional divisions of the committee are deputy governors of 14 regions, 168 districts and 25 cities. Expanding the role of women in state and community management. The most important condition of a legal-democratic society is the expression of the will of representatives of all categories, layers and levels of the population in the society. In this regard, strengthening measures to involve women, who make up 56% of the population, in all spheres of state and community life will become one of the main factors for the realization of the goals set forward. Especially increasing the weight of women in the legislative power, which carries out activities related to law-making, its execution and control, determines the development of our national laws more harmoniously with social life. It should be noted that while the laws are adopted equally for all citizens, in order to ensure that the interests of the members of the society are fully expressed in its development, it requires the appropriate participation of women. Therefore, the issues related to the election of women to the parliament were solved in some countries by strengthening the institution of quotas by law.. From this point of view, the rules that women should make up a certain percentage of the candidates nominated by the political parties for deputy are reinforced by the law. With the law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, important changes and additions were made to the electoral legislation of Uzbekistan – the laws “On Elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan” and “On the Election of People’s Deputies to Regional, District and City Council Deputies”. In particular, in Article 22 of the Law “On Elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, a new clause was introduced to the system of nomination by political parties. That is, Article 22 has been supplemented with a new norm: “The number of women and girls should be at least thirty percent of the total number of candidates for deputy from political parties.” With this, in our national legislation, a separate institution of quotas for the nomination of political parties to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, people’s deputies to regional, district and city councils was introduced. As of January 1, 2022, Uzbekistan ranked 45th among 190 parliaments in the world with a 32.7 percent share of women in the Oliy Majlis. Creating more favorable conditions for women and girls to receive education, systematically increasing their scientific potential and qualifications. In the age of high technology and computers, it is necessary for women to master both techniques and technologies, on the one hand, to carry out practical work in society, and on the other, their scientific activity is also of great importance. In this regard, attention is paid to expanding the opportunities for women to receive higher education.  In 2020, 950 girls in need of social protection were admitted to study. Since the 2022-2023 academic year, “in order to finance interest-free educational loans for a period of 7 years to pay for educational contracts of women studying in higher education institutions, technical schools and colleges, including in the form of part-time and evening education, commercial banks receive from the state budget 1.8 trillion soums of resource funds annually, in order to, according to the undergraduate education programs of foreign higher education institutions – 50, under master’s education programs – 10 women receive additional grants annually through the El yurt Hope Foundation, as well as holding the first step for the women’s business competition, allocating 10 billion soums for this at the expense of the science funding and Innovation Support Fund, organizing the “Society of Women Scientists” and allocating 50 billion soums from the state budget to practically support and further encourage women.” In order to support women’s innovation projects, to develop science and innovation among them, in 14 regions of the country, competitions were organized “Innowomenweek”-women’s Innovation Week, 36 forums and conferences, 72 scientific-practical and educational seminars, 17 seminars-trainings, 41 round tables and meetings, 35 exhibitions, as well as contests “the best innovation product”, “the best innovation project” and “innovation project of a talented girl”. A total of 14 thousand 274 women were involved in these events. Support women’s entrepreneurship, identify talented young women and correctly direct their abilities. An important component of self-organization is economic – property relations in the family, that is, the organization of family marriage. Feeling that he is the owner, the owner of the property, the master of his labor and the product of his production, brings to the surface the hidden energy of a person, shows his mental, creative capabilities, organizational abilities, makes him enterprising and factual. As Gerry Becker, an American scientist, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Economics, a major modern science of Economics, wrote in his study “Трактат о семье”, “the family has no sphere that is not interpreted from the economic point of view of life and is not approached from this point of view, the survival and development of the family is also associated with the economy.” These are family genders-from the division of labor between a man and a woman, children, to family household life, family entrepreneurship, family income and even divorces. It is necessary to form a family based on the needs of tomorrow, and not on today’s opportunities. In this sense, it is also important in the family to instill entrepreneurial qualities in the child’s psyche. And such qualities are instilled today on the basis of the development of family entrepreneurship. “In 2022, it was envisaged to allocate grant funds in the amount of 17.1 billion soums to non-profit organizations that promote vocational training and employment of women and are engaged in the problems of themn ing, and a total of 4 trillion soums of funds allocated within the framework of the family entrepreneurship development program will be directed to women who  As a result, employment of more than 378 thousand unemployed women was ensured. Subsidies were allocated to 13 thousand 110 women in order to establish their entrepreneurship and make good use of the farm. 13 thousand 314 were involved in casanalyk. 5,003 were attached to cooperations. Today, 6 thousand 198 artisan women’s products were realized by the” Artisan ” Center. 41,311,000 families received $ 35 million from their household to build a greenhouse for growing flowers, lemons, fruits and vegetables, and to establish livestock, poultry, fish, beekeeping. preferential loans were allocated up to the sum. 159 thousand 436 women were included in the category of self-employment through entrepreneurship in the household. Women’s “women’s entrepreneurship centers” were established in 14 regions of the Republic, 159 districts and cities for the purposes of training for women in the professions that are in demand today, entrepreneurship in remote areas, neighborhoods, and through their activities it was achieved to increase the chances of ensuring women’s employment. In 2021-2024 at the expense of the grant of the Japanese Social Development Fund in the amount of us $ 2.728 million in order to develop, employment and expand the economic potential of women’s entrepreneurial landings included in the “women’s notebook”in remote rural areas with the World Bank by the state committee for family and women, The grant, which is intended to be carried out in the neighborhoods of the Zamin districts, has gained great importance in increasing the scale of work in this regard. Support for women in need of social protection. On June 29, 2022, the decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan “on measures to raise the system of provision of social services in the neighborhoods and assistance to families in need of social protection to a new level and to further accelerate the work of teaching women to the profession”was adopted. In accordance with the decision, from July 1, 2022, to study the situation of each household and determine the real situation in families and the need for social services; develop a plan for individual social protection of each family in need of social assistance; continuous control over the timely and high-quality provision of social services on the basis of appeals from the population and in the process of studying the implementation of the social protection plan; issuance of recommendations and orders on the needs of families for complex and high-tech medical practices, prosthetic and orthopedic products of persons with disabilities and other similar social services; In order to organize the provision of targeted assistance to women in a difficult social situation, 644 thousand 849 women-girls together with the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan were included in the “women’s notebook”. Today, 476 thousand 616 (73.9 %) women-girls were helped.  Of these, 166,848 out of 214,457 unemployed women in need of social protection were placed in new jobs and public works created.  46 thousand 455 women in need who want to do business Preferential loans were allocated for the establishment of entrepreneurial activity for 20 thousand 509 people.  Of the needy women and girls who did not have 179 thousand 497 breadwinners, 125 thousand 411 people were given one-time financial assistance. From this, the housing of 1613 people was repaired. Material and medical care was provided to 99,940 out of 121,966 women with disabilities in Groups 1 and 2 in need of urgent medical treatment. Of this, the housing of 908 people was repaired. 865 of the needy women in need of 11,421 housing were provided with housing, 3,354 were paid rent compensation. Of the needy women with 71,053 dependent children with disabilities, 59,674 people were given financial assistance. Of this, 2646 people were provided with practical and material assistance for the efficient use of the farm. Ensuring Gender equality. The socio-philosophical essence of the concept of” Gender equality ” is manifested in the fact that progress is considered and re-evaluated in a system of completely unusual and non-standard views, principles, and stands in a pose against a whole system of philosophical and methodological traditional views. The same circumstance indicates that the gender problem has become one of the pressing issues facing humanity in a theoretical-philosophical context. In addition, it remains in practice one of the main and decisive driving the development of mankind, and for each country one of the leading factors determining the fate of the modernization process. The fate of all mankind, countries, people has become dependent on the degree of reflection of this factor in social life. The most painful aspect of solving Gender problems belongs to the sphere of family relations. Because the family includes a circle of relations with a strictly established relative hierarchical system (relations between parents and children, brothers, sisters), which the principle of gender equality of individ life cannot fully cover. Usually, such relationships are more inextricably linked with kinship ties than with other types of social relations, on the basis of which there is spiritual-emotional closeness, mutual trust, which is constant and stable, an understanding of sincere and common interests that deviate from the framework of extremely selfish views, and the family is seriously different from other social relations and institutions in In this sense, it is evident that the family is an agent of socialization in the interpretation of sociologists and has an even broader and more thoughtful essence than the content of the concept of a social institution. Nowadays, in the conditions of globalization, there is a process of unification – the disappearance of the cultural differences of the family in different societies. It can be seen from this that the cultural image of the family can change over a certain period of time. But these changes should not serve for a change in the social nature and role of the family. There is no alternative to the family, no social option has yet been found that can become an alternative to it. The geographical and climatic features of the region in which the Uzbek people live, as well as the organization of a lifestyle in a similar way ― community, are also aimed at its active support. It means, for example, that domestic violence cannot be resolved only through gender equalization. Rather this can only be solved through methods developed based on the characteristics of unique cultures themselves. For example, while economic development reduces tension in social life, it also alleviates gender tensions. An increase in the literacy rate and an improvement in the economic situation of women is not a weakening of family relations, but rather serves to maintain a certain level of balance. Because in today’s globalized environment, human capital is much more important than before. This further exaggerates the importance of families. Because the resources transmitted by the family are a high-level determinant of school and workplace success. Equality of the rights of men and women in the field of family relations is based on: on the discretion of the marriage of men and women; on the equality of personal and property rights of spouses; on the equality of the rights and obligations of men and women in the field of domestic relations; on the equality of the rights and obligations of Also, special attention will be paid to “women in villages in remote areas of the country, ethnic minority groups, disabled people, women with HIV/AIDS, women in places of imprisonment and restriction (including prisons, boarding houses, nursing homes and mental health hospitals), human rights defenders, stateless persons and refugees” . In conclusion, the priorities of the social protection system for women, activating the personality, developing the human self, transforming potential into human capital, a full-fledged support policy that helps representatives of the needy population to realize their talents, talents and interests, the approach to ensuring gender equality in the protection of women and their social activation are an important aspect of the new.   References:
  1. Mirziyoev Sh.M. New Uzbekistan strategy.-Tashkent: “Uzbekistan”, 2021.
  2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Elections to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan” //
  3. Gary S. Becker. Tract o semi. M. “Nauka”, 1987, S.113.
Ochilova Bakhti Muradovna. Doctor of philosophy, professor. Republic of Uzbekistan. Jizzakh State Pedagogical University