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The event was organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of our constitution.

Every year, our people celebrate December 8 – Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan with great joy. These days, the joy of this auspicious day is spreading all over our country. It would not be wrong to say that this event united the professors, teachers, students and youth who gathered at the Palace of Culture of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. At the event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of our main constitution, a group of professors and teachers and young students who got achievements were recognized with the “30th anniversary of the Constitution of Uzbekistan” badge.   The Constitution recognizes and seals the high position of the teacher in society. There is a saying in our nation that “A teacher is as great as your father” and respecting teachers is an integral part of our national character. Unfortunately, until recent years, forcing teachers to do landscaping and even construction work is a black mark of our recent past, which ultimately undermined the education system. The rector of the university Sh. Sharipov, who spoke at the event, congratulated everyone on the occasion. The President of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, emphasized that it is necessary to start reforming education from the first days of his presidency, first of all, by increasing the prestige of teachers. In fact, the expression of high respect for the Teacher in our Constitution serves as a strong legal basis for the development of science, spirituality and enlightenment in our country, and for creating the foundations of the New Renaissance. During the event, songs and works of art were dedicated to our Constitution, which reflects the ideals of our nation. Students and young people who won high places in various competitions were awarded in the festive program.