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 “Innovations and Teaching Practices in English Learning”

On March 18, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute in collaboration with JDPI and the US Embassy in Tashkent hosted a conference on “Innovations and teaching practices in English Language Learning”. . The conference was opened by the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation G. Kadyrov. Amanda Hopson, Public Affairs Officer Assistant of the US Embassy in Tashkent, and Umida Boltaeva, English Language Program Coordinator, spoke at the opening ceremony. After the opening ceremony, the participants took part in the conference. The presentations were conducted by American English language specialists and teaching assistants who currently teaching in various regions of Uzbekistan, as well as experienced English teachers from Jizzakh region. The participants of the conference are JSPI foreign language teachers and 200 Jizzakh region’s secondary school English teachers. The goal of the conference was to “Popularize new methods of teaching and learning a foreign language by English teachers in our region” and it was reached. The conference was highly rated by all participants.