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The principle of one intellectual is a spiritual patron of one neighborhood is in practice

On January 19, 2021, the head of state Shavkat Mirziyoev, at a video selector meeting on the issues of fundamental improvement of the system of spiritual and educational affairs, strengthening the cooperation of state and public organizations in this regard, said that “One intellectual, one based on the principle of “spiritual patron of the neighborhood”, he put forward the idea of appointing professors and well-known intellectuals as spiritual patrons. In the framework of these tasks, professors and teachers of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University are also in their assigned neighborhoods and organize spiritual and educational activities among unorganized youth. They are involved in clubs and are doing a number of things to make their free time enjoyable. The Faculty of Physical Culture of the largest higher education institution in the region and the members of the “Volunteers Club” returned to the village of “Oyqor” of Bakhmal district with the intention of realizing this noble goal. The event started in the 14th general education school in the village of “Oyqor” of Bakhmal district and continued until the evening. The professors and teachers of the faculty and volunteer students organized discussions, literary meetings, psychological trainings, sports competitions and other spiritual events for unorganized youth during the day. –We are trying to hold every event interesting and useful for young people, – says Farzona Adilova, the youth leader of the university. – We are paying special attention to making it effective for our unorganized youth. For example, among the young people who did not join the event this time, we also involved representatives of the 14th school in the area, activists of the neighborhood, and representatives of low-income households. Unorganized youth also participated with interest in the organized sports competitions. We gave the most active students and young people awards and books and encouraged them. The event also featured entertaining performances by the “Jizzax city” team of cheerleaders and wits of the University and a performance by the Student Theater Studio. Live musical performances by creative students of the Faculty of Music Culture invited everyone to dance. The event ended with the awarding ceremony of the winners of the Zakovat intellectual games and the basketball sports competition held by the volunteer students of the university.